Belgrade, 14th March 2025 - Public procurement plan for 2025 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 11th March 2025 - Public procurement plan for 2025 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 24th February 2025 - Public procurement plan for 2025 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 30th January 2025 - Public procurement plan for 2025 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 24th January 2025 - he Ministry for Public Investment is announcing a public call for tenders for the public procurement - Execution of works on the Rehabilitation, Adaptation and Reconstruction of the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics of the Clinical Center of Serbia.
Belgrade, 20th January 2025 - Public procurement plan for 2025 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 13th January 2025 - Public procurement plan for 2025 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 4th September 2024 - Ministry for Public Investment announces a public call for bids - Procurement of Furniture and IT equipment for BioSense Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia IOP/72-2024/RD.
Belgrade, October 2nd, 2024 - The Ministry for Public Investment is announcing a public call for tenders for the public procurement of supervision of works related to construction of water supply facilities under applicable construction legislation of the Republic of Serbia.
The tender documentation will be available for download to any interested person upon request by e-mail: .
Additional information on procurement can be obtained from the Ministry of Public Investments via e-mail at the address:
Public invitation
Belgrade, 25th July 2024 - Public procurement plan for 2024 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, July 22, 2024 - The Ministry for Public Investment announces a public call for bids - Improvement of the Infrastructure of the Data Center of the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.
Belgrade, 16th July 2024 - Public procurement plan for 2024 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 6th June 2024 - Public procurement plan for 2024 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 12th April 2024
Type of public procurement procedure: open public procurement procedure
Type of the procurement subject: goods
Main code from the Common Procurement Vocabulary: 33110000
Data about lots
This procurement item is not formed in lots.
Main place of execution: Yugoslav Drama Theater, street Kralja Milana 50, 11000 Beograd
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract:
In days: 120
Procurement documentation is available with free, unlimited and unhindered direct access at:
Tenders or applications must be submitted electronically at:
Deadline for bid or application submitting: 17.05.2024. 12:00:00
Bid opening
Date and time: 17.05.2024. 13:00:00
Place: Ministry for Public Investment, Krunska street no. 58, 11000 Belgrade
Data about process of public opening: The opening of tenders is public and can be attended by any interested person.
Only authorized representatives of tenderers can actively participate in the tender opening procedure.
Before the start of the public tender opening procedure, the authorized representatives of the tenderers, who will participate in the tender opening procedure, are obliged to submit to the Contracting Authority a certified authorization on the Tenderer's letterhead, on the basis of which they will prove their authorization for active participation in the tender opening procedure.
Belgrade, 10th April 2024 - Public procurement plan for 2024 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 18th March 2024 - Public procurement plan for 2024 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 5th February 2024
Contracting authority’s name: MINISTRY FOR PUBLIC INVESTMENT
Address: Nemanjina Street No. 11, Belgrade, 11000
Type of public procurement procedure: open public procurement procedure
Type of the procurement subject: works
Name of the subject of procurement: Procurement of Execution of works on the construction of a residential building C1 - non-profit and social housing facility in the existing settlement complex Dr. Ivana Ribara
Main code from the Common Procurement Vocabulary: 45000000
Data about lots
This procurement item is not formed in lots.
Main place of execution Dr Ivana Ribara, Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Cadastral plot 6816/1, Cadastral Municipality of Novi Beograd, Republic of Serbia
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract: In days: 400
Procurement documentation is available with free, unlimited and unhindered direct access at:
Tenders or applications must be submitted electronically at:
Deadline for bid or application submitting: 14.03.2024. 12:00:00
Bid opening
Date and time: 14.03.2024. 13:00:00
Place: Ministry for Public Investment, Krunska street no. 58, 11000 Belgrade
Data about process of public opening: The opening of tenders is public and can be attended by any interested person.
Only authorized representatives of tenderers can actively participate in the tender opening procedure.
Before the start of the public tender opening procedure, the authorized representatives of the tenderers, who will participate in the tender opening procedure, are obliged to submit to the Contracting Authority a certified authorization on the Tenderer's letterhead, on the basis of which they will prove their authorization for active participation in the tender opening procedure.
Belgrade, 31st January 2024 - Public procurement plan for 2024 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 22nd January 2024 - Public procurement plan for 2024 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 4th December 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 17th November 2023 - Ministry of Public Investment is conducting public procurement - Supervision Of Construction Works For Expansion Of Science And Technology Parks.
Belgrade, 9th October 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 5th October 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 19th September 2023 - Ministry for Public Investment initiate the public procurement - Construction works for expansion of Science and Technology Parks, OCP/86-2023/PS.
Belgrade, 15th September 2023
Type of public procurement procedure: open public procurement procedure
Type of the procurement subject: goods
Main code from the Common Procurement Vocabulary: 33100000
Data about lots
This procurement item is formed in 4 lots.
The possibility of submitting an offer for: all lots
Lot name: LOT1 – OP block equipment
Main place of execution: Clinic for Neurosurgery, street Dr Koste Todorovića 4, 11000 Beograd
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract:
In days: 120
Lot name: LOT2 – CSSD equipment
Main place of execution: Clinic for Neurosurgery, street Dr Koste Todorovića 4, 11000 Beograd
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract:
In days: 120
Lot name: LOT3 – Ultrasounds
Main place of execution: Clinic for Neurosurgery, street Dr Koste Todorovića 4, 11000 Beograd
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract:
In days: 120
Lot name: LOT4 – Medical furniture
Main place of execution: Clinic for Neurosurgery, street Dr Koste Todorovića 4, 11000 Beograd
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract:
In days: 120
Procurement documentation is available with free, unlimited and unhindered direct access at:
Tenders or applications must be submitted electronically at:
Deadline for bid or application submitting: 24.10.2023. 13:00:00
Bid opening
Date and time: 24.10.2023. 13:00:00
Place: Ministry for Public Investment, Krunska street no. 58, 11000 Belgrade
Data about process of public opening: The opening of tenders is public and can be attended by any interested person.
Only authorized representatives of tenderers can actively participate in the tender opening procedure.
Before the start of the public tender opening procedure, the authorized representatives of the tenderers, who will participate in the tender opening procedure, are obliged to submit to the Contracting Authority a certified authorization on the Tenderer's letterhead, on the basis of which they will prove their authorization for active participation in the tender opening procedure.
Belgrade, 20th September 2022 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for procurement of equipment for General Hospital in Loznica.
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of equipment for Genaral Hospital in Loznica”, no. IOP/61-2021/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including eleven lots:
Lot 1- Endoscopic Surgery and Diagnostics, estimated value: 614.225,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 2- OP Room and Surgical Instruments, estimated value: 1.181.220,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 3- Anesthesia and ICU, estimated value: 1.315.675,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 4- Ophthalmology, estimated value: 563.420,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 5- Radiology Imaging, estimated value: 1.190.000,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 6- Labaratory Pathology, estimated value: 353.362,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 7- Mobile diagnostics equipment, estimated value: 722.665,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 8- Physical medicine, estimated value: 44.030,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 9- Hospital furniture, estimated value: 1.962.295,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 10- Sterilization, estimated value: 900.155,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Lot 11-IT equipment, estimated value: 436.885,00 EUR excluding VAT;
Place of destination is: General Hospital in Loznica, Bolnička 65, 15300 Loznica.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from December 2022 to March 2023.
The Tender evaluation criterion for all lots is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on November 15th, 2022 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/61-2021/UHI - “Procurement of equipment for General Hospital in Loznica, lot name and number, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on November 15th, 2022 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment to Procurement Notice
Clarification 7
Amendment to TD 4
Belgrade, January 2nd, 2020 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for Mother and Child Institute „Dr Vukan Čupić”- Equipment.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of equipment for Mother and Child Institute „Dr Vukan Čupić” no. IOP/38-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including nine lots:
Lot 1 - Angio Operating Theatre, estimated value 1.733.000, 00 €
Lot 2 - Equipment for Operating Theatre, estimated value, 1.265.000,00 €
Lot 3 - Intensive Care, estimated value 2.415.000,00 €
Lot 4- Radiology Equipment, estimated value 2.150.000,00 €
Lot 5 - Equipment for Specialist Wards, estimated value 1.034.000,00 €
Lot 6 - IT Equipment, estimated value, 200.000,00 €
Lot 7 - Surgical Instruments, estimated value 318.000,00 €
Lot 8 – Complementary hospital Services, estimated value 952.000,00 €
Lot 9 – Laboratory, estimated value 2.538.000,00 €
Place of destination is: Mother and Child Institute „Dr Vukan Čupić”, Radoja Dakića 6-8, Serbia, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from March 2020 to June 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on February 18th, 2020 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/38-2019/UHI – Procurement of equipment for Mother and Child Institute „Dr Vukan Čupić”, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on February 18th, 2020 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment to tender documents 2
Amendment to international invitation
Amendment to tender documents 3
Amendment to international invitation 2
Amendment to tender documents 4
Amendment to tender documents 5
Amendment to tender documents 6
Tehnical specification updated
Amendment to international invitation 3
Amendment to tender documents 7
Tehnical specification updated Lot 1 & Lot 4
Belgrade, 4th August 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 31st July 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 24th July 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Contracting authority’s name: MINISTRY FOR PUBLIC INVESTMENT
Address: Nemanjina Street No. 11, Belgrade, 11000
Type of public procurement procedure: open public procurement procedure
Type of the procurement subject: works
Name of the subject of procurement: Execution of works on the construction of the new University children's hospital Tiršova 2 in Belgrade
Main code from the Common Procurement Vocabulary: 45000000
Data about lots
This procurement item is not formed in lots.
Main place of execution Univerzitetska dečja klinika Tiršova 2, Deligradska street 40, 11000, C.P. 1660/3 and 1660/4, C.M. Savski Venac
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract:
In days: 1100
Procurement documentation is available with free, unlimited and unhindered direct access at:
Tenders or applications must be submitted electronically at:
Deadline for bid or application submitting: 14.9.2023. 13:00:00
Bid opening
Date and time: 14.9.2023. 13:00:00
Place: Ministry for Public Investment, Krunska street no. 58, 11000 Belgrade
Data about process of public opening: The opening of tenders is public and can be attended by any interested person.
Only authorized representatives of tenderers can actively participate in the tender opening procedure.
Before the start of the public tender opening procedure, the authorized representatives of the tenderers, who will participate in the tender opening procedure, are obliged to submit to the Contracting Authority a certified authorization on the Tenderer's letterhead, on the basis of which they will prove their authorization for active participation in the tender opening procedure.
Belgrade, 29th Jun 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 12th Jun 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 9th Jun 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 8th Jun 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 19th May 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 17th May 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 8th May 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 27th March 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Contracting authority’s name: MINISTRY FOR PUBLIC INVESTMENT
Address: Nemanjina Street No. 11, Belgrade, 11000
Type of public procurement procedure: open public procurement procedure
Type of the procurement subject: goods
Name of the subject of procurement: Procurement of equipment for General hospital Kikinda in Kikinda
Main code from the Common Procurement Vocabulary: 33100000
Data about lots
This procurement item is not formed in lots.
Main place of execution: Opšta bolnica Kikinda, Đure Jakšića 110, 23300 Kikinda
Criteria for contract award based on: Price
Duration of contract:
In days: 90
Procurement documentation is available with free, unlimited and unhindered direct access at:
Tenders or applications must be submitted electronically at:
Deadline for bid or application submitting: 21.4.2023. 13:00:00
Bid opening
Date and time: 21.4.2023. 13:00:00
Place: Ministry for Public Investment, Krunska street no. 58, 11000 Belgrade
Data about process of public opening: The opening of tenders is public and can be attended by any interested person.
Only authorized representatives of tenderers can actively participate in the tender opening procedure.
Before the start of the public tender opening procedure, the authorized representatives of the tenderers, who will participate in the tender opening procedure, are obliged to submit to the Contracting Authority a certified authorization on the Tenderer's letterhead, on the basis of which they will prove their authorization for active participation in the tender opening procedure.
Belgrade, 27th February 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 22nd February 2023 - Public procurement plan for 2023 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 19th October 2022
Legal Basis:
Section I: Contracting authority
Name and addresses
Official name: Vlada Republike Srbije, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima
National registration number: 07020171
Postal address: Nemanjina 11
Town: Beograd
NUTS code: RS Srbija/Сpбија / Serbia
Postal code: 11000Country: Serbia
Contact person: Dijana Kasapović
Telephone: +381 642787119
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Address of the buyer profile:
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the following address:
Official name: Vlada Republike Srbije, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima - Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
National registration number: 07020171
Postal address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
Town: Belgrade
Postal code: 11000
Country: Serbia
Contact person: Dijana Kasapović
NUTS code: RS Srbija/Сpбија / Serbia
Internet address(es):
Main address:
Type of the contracting authority
National or federal agency/office
Main activity
General public services
Section II: Object
Scope of the procurement
Procurement of Complementary hospital services (furniture, kitchen and laundry) for General Hospital in Arandjelovac
Reference number: IOP/73-2022/UHI
Main CPV code
33192000 Medical furniture
Type of contract
Short description:
Procurement of Complementary hospital services (furniture, kitchen, and laundry) for General Hospital in Arandjelovac
Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 866 852.00 EUR
Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: no
Place of performance
NUTS code: RS Srbija/Сpбија / Serbia
Main site or place of performance:
General hospital in Aranđelovac, Prote Atanasija Bukovičkog b.b, Aranđelovac 34300
Description of the procurement:
Procurement of Complementary hospital services (furniture, kitchen and laundry) for General Hospital in Arandjelovac
Award criteria
Criteria below
Estimated value
Value excluding VAT: 866 852.00 EUR
Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in days: 90
This contract is subject to renewal: no
Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
Information about options
Options: no
Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
Additional information
Section IV: Procedure
Type of procedure
Open procedure
Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
Administrative information
Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 01/12/2022
Local time: 11:00
Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 3 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
Conditions for opening of tenders
Date: 01/12/2022
Local time: 13:00
Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade
Section VI: Complementary information
Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
Additional information:
Procedures for review
Review body
Official name: Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima
Postal address: Nemanjina Street 11
Town: BelgradeCountry: Serbia
Body responsible for mediation procedures
Official name: Foreign-Trade Arbitration, Serbian Chamber of CommerceTown: BelgradeCountry: Serbia
Review procedure
Precise information on deadline(s) for review procedures:
Procedure for filing a complaint by the bidder, in accordance with the Guide for Procurement of Goods, Works, and Services of the Council of Europe Development Bank, item 3.9.13. Standstill period and 3.9.14. Complaints:
Within 10 (ten) days from the date of publication of the contract award decision on the Purchaser’s website, unsuccessful bidders may request a written explanation of the grounds for non-acceptance of their bids or file an appeal.
Аfter preliminary examination, within 15 (fifteen) days from the day of the receipt of the proper Appeal, the Commission for public procurement will create the Decision on appeal and send copies of the request and decision on the appeal to the bank.
Complaints are sent electronically to the following e-mail address or by mail to the address Nemanjina 22-26, Belgrade, Serbia.
The request must be signed and certified by the bidder's authorized person on the bidder's memorandum. Mandatory note: IOP/73-2022/UHI.
Date of dispatch of this notice:
Belgrade, April 22nd 2022
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1) Name and addresses
Official name: ”Government of the Republic of Serbia - Public Investment Management Office”– The Republic of Serbia
Postal address: Nemanjina 11
Town: Belgrade
NUTS code: RS Srbija/Сpбија / Serbia
Postal code: 11000
Country: Serbia
Contact person: Jelena Simić
Internet address(es):
Main address:
I.3) Communication
The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at:
Additional information can be obtained from the abovementioned address
Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted to the following address:
Official name: “Public Investment Management Office”
Postal address: Nemanjina street No 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
Town: Belgrade
Postal code: 11000
Country: The Republic of Serbia
Contact person: Jelena Simić
NUTS code: RS Srbija/Сpбија / Serbia
Internet address(es):
Main address:
I.4) Type of the contracting authority
National or federal agency/office
I.5) Main activity
General public services
Section II: Object
II.1) Scope of the procurement
II.1.1) Title:
Procurement of Equipment for BioSense Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia
Reference number: EIB-GtP/IOP/58-2021/RD
II.1.2) Main CPV code
38000000 Laboratory, optical and precision equipment (excl. glasses)
II.1.3) Type of contract
II.1.4) Short description:
The subject-matter of this procurement is the purchase of varied scientific equipment required for laboratories in the new facility of the BioSense Institute, a leading scientific research institute in Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia involved in the application of information technologies in biosystems.
II.1.5) Estimated total value
Value excluding VAT: 7 164 000.00 EUR
II.1.6) Information about lots
This contract is divided into lots: yes, this contract is divided into 16 (sixteen) lots
Lot 1 -High resolution Scanning Electron Microscopes
Lot 2 - E-beam lithography
Lot 3 - Molecular Vapour Deposition
Lot 4 - Inductively Coupled Plasma-Chemical Vapor Deposition
Lot 5 - Physical Vapor Deposition
Lot 6 - Nanoimprint lithography
Lot 7 – Biosystems
Lot 8 - Phenotyping Laboratory
Lot 9 - Image flow cytometry
Lot 10 - X-Ray Diffraction
Lot 11 - Raman Imaging
Lot 12 - Mass Spectrometry
Lot 13 - Electroacoustic measurement
Lot 14 - Optical tables and vibration isolators
Lot 15 - Laboratory Equipment with Ventilation Units
Lot 16 - Data Center
II.2) Description
II.2.3) Place of performance
NUTS code: RS Srbija/Сpбија / Serbia
Main site or place of performance:
BioSense Institute
Dr Zorana Djindjica bb,
21101 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia
II.2.4) Description of the procurement:
Bidding will be conducted through open procedure with publication in the OJEU as specified in the Bank’s Guide to Procurement (GtP) (‘Procurement Regulations’) and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the procurement regulations.
Contract will be signed with the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated, compliant and technically responsive bid, in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The Bidder shall prepare one original of the documents comprising the bid as described in ITB Clause 11 and clearly mark it “ORIGINAL.” In addition, the Bidder shall submit copies of the bid, in the number specified in the BDS and clearly mark them “COPY.” In the event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall prevail. Bidders submitting bids by mail or by hand, shall enclose the original and each copy of the Bid, including alternative bids, if permitted in accordance with ITB Clause 13, in separate sealed envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL” and “COPY.” These envelopes containing the original and the copies shall then be enclosed in one single envelope. The rest of the procedure shall be in accordance with ITB sub-Clauses 23.2 and 23.3. Bidders submitting bids electronically shall follow the electronic bid submission procedures specified in the BDS.
The Tender evaluation criterion is „The lowest price of the compliant and technically responsive tenders” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website:
and will be available to any interested bidder.
II.2.5) Award criteria
The tender evaluation criterion is the Lowest Price of the compliant and technically responsive tenders (ranking of the tenders will be based on that criterion).
II.2.6) Estimated value
II.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system
Duration in months: 9
This contract is subject to renewal: no
II.2.10) Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: no
II.2.11) Information about options
Options: no
II.2.13) Information about European Union funds
The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
II.2.14) Additional information
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1) Description
IV.1.1) Type of procedure
Open procedure
IV.1.3) Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system
IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: no
IV.2) Administrative information
IV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Date: 30/05/2022
Local time: 11:00
IV.2.3) Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted:
IV.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
Duration in months: 3 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
IV.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders
Date: 30/05/2022
Local time: 13:00
Public Investment Management Office, The Republic of Serbia, Krunska street 58, Belgrade.
Information about authorised persons and opening procedure:
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1) Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.3) Additional information:
VI.4) Procedures for review
VI.4.1) Review body
Official name: The Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures
Postal address: Nemanjina 22-26
Town: Belgrade
Postal code: 11000
Country: Serbia
VI.5) Date of dispatch of this notice:
Contract notice
Tender documents
Decision on contract award and cancellation of procurement procedure
Belgrade, 13th December 2022 - Public procurement plan for 2022 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 16th November 2022 - Public procurement plan for 2022 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 8th November 2022 - Public procurement plan for 2022 of Ministry for Public Investment is on following link .
Belgrade, 25th October 2022 - Public Investment Management Office announces contract award notice for Procurement of Additional еquipment for new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade (IOP/51-2021/UHI) – Additional module for capnography for Draeger monitor IACS M540 for ICU.
Contract award notice
Belgrade, 25th October 2022 - Public Investment Management Office announces contract award notice for Procurement of Additional еquipment for new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade (IOP/51-2021/UHI) - Additional module for capnography for Getinge Servo I ventilator for OP DEPARTMENT.
Belgrade, 21st October 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 19th October 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 10th May 2022 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for procurement of equipment for Clinic for infectious and tropical diseases of the Clinical Center of Serbia.
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of equipment for Clinic for infectious and tropical diseases of the Clinical Center of Serbia”, no. IOP/65-2022/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including two lots:
Lot 1 – Medical furniture and equipment, estimated value: 527.590,00 €
Lot 2 – Furniture, estimated value: 180.029,00 €
Place of destination is: Procurement of equipment for Clinic for infectious and tropical diseases of the Clinical Center of Serbia, Bulevar oslobođenja br. 16, 11000 Beograd.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from August 2022 to November 2022.
The Tender evaluation criterion for all lots is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on July 5th, 2022 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/65-2022/UHI - “Procurement of equipment for Clinic for infectious and tropical diseases of the Clinical Center of Serbia”, lot name and number, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on July 5th, 2022 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 6th September 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 1st September 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 25th August 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 7th March 2022 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for procurement of medical equipment for General Hospital in Aranđelovac.
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of equipment for General Hospital in Arandjelovac“, no. IOP/60-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including five lots:
Lot 1 – Medical equipment, estimated value: 2.759.040,00 €;
Lot 2-Complementary hospital services (furniture, kitchen and laundry),estimated value: 867.143,00 €;
Lot 3 – Sterilization, estimated value: 785.250,00 €;
Lot 4 – Radiology equipment, estimated value: 1.447.000,00 €;
Lot 5 – IT equipment, estimated value: 385.480,00 €.
Place of destination is: General hospital in Aranđelovac, Prote Atanasija Bukovičkog b.b, Aranđelovac 34300
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from April 2022 to Јuly 2022.
The Tender evaluation criterion for all lots is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on April 29th, 2022 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/60-2021/UHI - “Procurement of equipment for General Hospital in Arandjelovac“, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on April 29th, 2022 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 26th July 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 8th July 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 4th July 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 18th January 2022 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for procurement of medical equipment for Clinical-hospital centre “Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje”.
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of medical equipment for Clinical-hospital centre “Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje”, no. IOP/59-2021/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including two lots:
Lot 1 – Surgery, estimated value: 1.242.900,00 €
Lot 2 – Hospital wards, estimated value: 657.030,00 €
Place of destination is: Clinical-hospital centre “Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje”, Heroja Milana Tepića br. 1, 11000 Beograd.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from April 2022 to July 2022.
The Tender evaluation criterion for all lots is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on March 14th, 2022 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/59-2021/UHI - “Procurement of medical equipment for Clinical-hospital centre “Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje”, lot name and number, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on March 14th, 2022 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment to Procurement Notice
Belgrade, 24th January 2022 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade - Equipment.
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of medical instruments for the new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, no. IOP/63-2022/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders, with the estimated value: 897.550,00 €
Place of destination is: Institute for cardiovascular diseas – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, Heroja Milana Tepića 1 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from April 2022 to June 2022.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on March 2, 2022 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/63-2022/UHI - Procurement of medical instruments for new building of Institute for cardiovascular diseas – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on March 2, 2022 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 4th May 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 19th April 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 20th April 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 14th March 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 21st March 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 11th March 2022 - Updated public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link.
Belgrade, 22nd November 2021 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for procurement of medical equipment for Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia.
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Biopsy device with vacuum systems for Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia “, no. IOP/52-2021/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement which is not organized in lots with estimated value of 330.000,00 €
Place of destination is: Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Pasterova 14, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from February 2022 to April 2022.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The Most Economically Advantageous Bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on Januar 18th 2022, not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/52-2021/UHI - “Procurement of Biopsy device with vacuum systems for Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima“, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on January 18th 2022 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 11th January 2022 - Public procurement plan for 2022 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Belgrade, 23rd July 2021 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for procurement of medical equipment for Clinical Centre of Vojvodina.
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of medical equipment for Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, no. IOP/55-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including three lots:
Lot 1 – Imaging, estimated value: 2.544.000,00 €
Lot 2 – Equipment for IMD, estimated value: 1.702.150,00 €
Lot 3 –Common hospital needs, estimated value: 2.246.350,00 €
Place of destination is: Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Hajduk Veljkova 1-9, Novi Sad 21000
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from December 2021 to March 2022.
The Tender evaluation criterion for all lots is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on September 21th, 2021 not later than 11 a.m. local time .
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/55-2021/UHI - “Procurement of medical equipment for Clinical Centre of Vojvodina, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on September 21th, 2021 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment 1 to PD with technical specification
Notice on deadline extension for proposal submission
Belgrade, 2nd December 2021 - Updated public procurement plan for 2021 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Belgrade, 1st November 2021 - Updated public procurement plan for 2021 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Belgrade, 26th October 2021 - Updated public procurement plan for 2021 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Belgrade, 29th June 2021 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade - Equipment
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of IT equipment and Hospital furnishing for the new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, no. IOP/54-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including two lots:
Lot 1 – IT equipment, estimated value: 695.500,00 €
Lot 2 – Hospital furnishing, estimated value: 1.351.800,00 €
Place of destination is: Institute for cardiovascular diseas – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, Heroja Milana Tepića 1 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from October 2021 to December 2021.
The Tender evaluation criterion for all lots is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on August 23th, 2021 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/54-2021/UHI - Procurement of IT equipment and Hospital furnishing for the new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on August 23th, 2021 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment to Procurement notice
Amendment to Tender documents 1
Belgrade, 4th June 2021 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade - Equipment
Pursuant to Art. 11, para. 2. of the Public Procurement Law RS 91/19, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of equipment for new building of Institute for cardiovascular disease – Dedinje 2, Belgrade no. IOP/51-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including twelve lots:
Lot 1 – OP department, estimated value: 3,392,550.00 €
Lot 2 - ICU, estimated value: 2,646,050.00 €
Lot 3 - Sterilization, estimated value: 1.772.300,00 €
Lot 4- Hybrid operating room, estimated value: 1.775.000,00 €
Lot 5 – Digital Cardiovascular and Neuroangiography systems with additional equipment and accessories, estimated value: 3,000,000.00 €
Lot 6 - Laboratory, estimated value: 708,000.00 €
Lot 7 – Telemetric patient monitoring system, estimated value: 900.000,00 €
Lot 8 – Diagnostic, estimated value: 782,800.00 €
Lot 9 – Ultrasound system for interventional and diagnostic procedures, estimated: value 2.075.000,00 €
Lot 10 - Medical furniture, estimated value 714,750.00 €
Lot 11 - Instruments, estimated value 897.550,00 €
Lot 12 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1.5 T System with additional equipment, estimated value: 1.300.000,00 €
Place of destination is: Institute for cardiovascular diseas – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, Heroja Milana Tepića 1 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from October 2021 to December 2021.
The Tender evaluation criterion for lots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
The Tender evaluation criterion for Lot no. 12 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1.5 T System with additional equipment is “The Most Economically Advantageous Bid”. (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on August 3th, 2021 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/51-2021/UHI - Procurement of equipment for new building of Institute for cardiovascular diseas – Dedinje 2, Belgrade, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on August 3th, 2021 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Addendum of information on site visit
Site visit - Intensive care and Sterilization
Amendment to tender documents 2
Contract award decision and public procurement procedure suspension
Belgrade, 11th October 2021 - Updated public procurement plan for 2021 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Belgrade, 11th May 2021 - The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the Council of Europe Development Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Construction of new University Children’s Hospital, Tiršova 2 in Belgrade. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for procurement: Execution of preparatory works on the arrangement of the construction site for the construction of the new university children's hospital Tiršova 2 in Belgrade, in accordance with the Council of Europe Development Bank′s Guidelines for procurement of supplies, works and services, September (2011).
Pursuant to Art.11, para. 2, of the Public Procurement Law RS („Official gazette RS“ no. 91/2019) respectively pursuant to Framework Loan Agreement LD 2009 (2019) between the Council of Europe Development Bank and the Republic of Serbia for a project loan for the construction of a new University Children's Clinic, Tiršova 2 in Belgrade, concluded on 18th Nov 2019th in Belgrade and on 20th Nov 2019th in Paris, ratified by the Law on Ratification of the Framework Loan Agreement LD 2009 (2019) between Council of Europe Development Bank and the Republic of Serbia for a project loan for the construction of a new University Children's Clinic, Tiršova 2 in Belgrade ("Official Gazette of RS" - International Agreements, No. 2/2020), Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following construction works: Execution of preparatory works on the arrangement of the construction site for the construction of the new university children's hospital Tiršova 2 in Belgrade no. IOP/53-2021/UCH2, and now invites bids from eligible tenderers to provide the already mentioned construction works.
Expected commencement date of construction works is September 2021st.
Brief description of the works:
Execution of preparatory works on establishing the construction site, including: organization of the construction site, construction of the site access road and works on the construction of supporting structures for securing the foundation pit.
Technological sequence of activities:
-Site preparation
The organization of the construction site is part of the preparatory works design. To define the organization of the construction site means to determine the spatial and organizational layout of all elements of the construction site, in accordance with the Rulebook on the content of the study on the construction site layout ("Official Gazette of RS", No. 121/2012 and 102/2015).
-Constructing routes and facilities:
• Temporary construction site road
• Development of a temporary operative crushed stone plateau/deck
• Load-bearing substructure - retaining walls.
-Removal of waste material
-Shutting down the site.
Tenders with variant solutions will not be accepted.
Contract will be signed with the best tenderer in an open international procurement procedure. The contract is expected to be implemented from September 2021 to April 2022 (excluding Defects Notification Period).
The tender evaluation criterion is the Lowest Evaluated Tender Price.
The right to participate in this international tender belongs to all interested entities that fulfill the mandatory conditions for the participation in the procedure. The tenderer is obliged to submit the evidence on the fulfillment of the conditions that are determined in the Tender documents.
The conditions which must be met by a tenderer, and also a way of proving whether the conditions are met, are specified in the Tender documents.
Interested parties may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office Belgrade via e-mail:
The Tender Documents are available in the English language except for detailed design files that are given in Serbian.
A complete set of Tender Documents shall be posted on the Employer’s website: and will be available to any interested tenderer.
All tenders must be accompanied by a bank guarantee for Tender Security to be submitted in the amount of 200.000 EUR payable in Serbian dinar calculated according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of the payment. The Bank guarantee for Tender Security must be valid at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of Tender validity.
All bank guarantees must be irrevocable, i.e. without protest, unconditional and payable at first call.
Tender validity period is at least 120 calendar days from the final tender submission date.
The Ordering Authority shall organize a pre-tender meeting and site visit of which all parties that have collected the Tender Documents will be duly informed in writing by posting an information on the Employer’s website: and
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the following address not later than July 2nd, 2021 at 11 am:
”Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”
Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
11000 Belgrade
Tenders have to be made according to the” two-envelope” procedure, in which both the technical and financial offers are submitted together, but in separate envelopes. The technical offers are opened first and evaluated for compliance. The financial envelopes of the technically responsive tenders only are then opened.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the reference „ Execution of preparatory works on the arrangement of the construction site for the construction of the new university children's hospital Tiršova 2 in Belgrade” no. IOP/53-2021/UCH2” in person or by post at the abovementioned address no later than July 2nd, 2021, until 11 am.
Bids received after the deadline specified in the preceding paragraph shall be considered untimely. Untimely bids shall not be opened and after opening procedure shall be returned to the bidder, with an indication stating that the bid is not submitted timely.
The tender opening (the technical offers) shall take place on the same day July 2nd, 2021 at 1pm at the address: Belgrade, Krunska street No. 58 in the presence of the authorized representatives of those tenderers who choose to attend the tender opening with the provision of the authorization to attend the tender opening session.
Opening of financial part of the tenders shall be performed after the examination of the technical part of the bids. The Employer shall submit, to all tenderers who sent bids, a reasoned Decision on the eligibility of the tenderer, as well as an invitation to all qualified tenderers to participate in the opening of financial bids.
Information on site visit meeting
Amendment to tender documents 1
Amendment to tender documents 2
Amendment to tender documents 3
Decisions on the qualification of bidders
Infomation - opening of financial offers
Belgrade, 25th June 2021 - The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the European Investment Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Research and Development in the Public Sector. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for Sub-project: Improvement of scientific infrastructure in the field of medical science through the purchase of new capital equipment, adaptation of existing and/or construction of new facilities.
Pursuant to Art.11, para. 2, of the Public Procurement Law RS („Official gazette RS“ no. 91/2019) respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010 and in accordance to the EIB Guide to Procurement (GtP), Public Investment Management Office, as the Employer, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for Procurement of National Center for Production of Positron Radiopharmaceuticals and two PET/CT camera with associated equipment, design, construction works, installation, fitting (turnkey) and commissioning.
The Employer now invites sealed Proposals from eligible Bidders for Procurement of National Center for Production of Positron Radiopharmaceuticals and two PET/CT camera with associated equipment, design, construction works, installation, fitting (turnkey) and commissioning.
Description of the main contract features:
The National Centre for the Production of Positron Pharmaceuticals should be based on a compact isochronous cyclotron, which ensures proton beams of 15-19 MeV proton energy and a proton current of 150 μА as a minimum, measured at any target. The cyclotron being offered should be equipped with a minimum of four extraction lines, with corresponding targets for the production of short-lived and ultrashort-lived positron emitters (18F, 11C), and also with a station for the irradiation of solid targets, which can be used to produce long-lived positron emitters such as 64Cu, 86Y, 89Zr and 124I, as well as some gamma emitters suitable for SPECT, for example, 123I. The production centre should be built within the Clinical Centre of Serbia.
The National Centre for the Production of Radiopharmaceuticals should be located in a new facility, which is to be built for that purpose.
This contract is expected to be implemented from October 2021 till October 2023.
Estimated value is 12,000,000.00 EUR excluding VAT.
Bidding will be conducted through open procedure with publication in the OJEU as specified in the EIB Guide to Procurement (GtP), (“Procurement Regulations”) and is open to all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.
Contract will be signed with the successful Bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender Documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
Interested eligible Bidders may obtain Clarification at the Employer’s address:
Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima
Attention: no. 22-26, Nemanjina street
City: 11000 Belgrade
Country: The Republic of Serbia
Facsimile number: +381 11 3617-737
Electronic mail address:
A complete set of Tender Documents in English language shall be posted on the Employer’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
Proposals have to be made according to the” two-envelope” procedure, in which both the technical and price proposals are submitted together, but in separate envelopes. In the first step, only administrative and technical documents are opened in public. The technical proposals are opened first and evaluated for responsiveness. Opening of price part of the proposals shall be performed after the examination of the technical part of the proposals. After review of conformity by the Employer in a second step the financial offers of the technically responsive proposals only are opened and read in public. The Employer shall submit, to all bidders who sent proposals, a reasoned Decision on the qualification of the bidder, as well as an invitation to all qualified bidders to participate in the opening of price proposals.
Following the completion of the evaluation of the Technical Proposals, the Employer will notify all Bidders of the location, date and time of the public opening of Price Proposals.
All Proposals must be accompanied by a bank guarantee for Tender Security to be submitted in the amount of 300.000 EUR. For the Tenderer from the Employer’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee. The Proposal Security shall be valid for twenty-eight (28) days beyond the original validity period of the Proposal, or beyond any period of extension if requested under Tender Documents.
The Employer shall use the criteria and methodology of the Most Economically Advantageous Proposal (MEAT) in particular determined in Tender Documents. The Most Economically Advantageous Proposal is the Proposal that achieves the highest combined technical and price scores.
Qualification requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Tender Documents.
The Employer shall award a public procurement contract based on the application of the “Most Economically Advantageous Proposal” criterion, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender Documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
Contract will be signed with the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the Most Economically Advantageous Proposal. This is the Proposal of the Bidder that meets the qualification criteria (qualified for the award of the contract) and whose Proposal has been determined to be:
(a) substantially responsive to the bidding document; and
(b) the Proposal that achieves the highest combined technical and price scores.
On the basis of each bid received and declared substantially responsive, the Bidding Commission shall award each pondered characteristic a corresponding number of ponders, following which it shall calculate the total number of ponders according to the formula given in the Tender Documents.
Tenders with variant solutions will not be accepted.
Tender validity period is at least 120 calendar days from the final tender submission date.
All firms are invited to participate in this tender procedure. The right to participate in this international tender belongs to all interested entities that fulfil the qualification criteria for the participation in the procedure. The tenderer is obliged to submit the evidence on the fulfilment of the qualification requirements that are determined in the Tender documents.
The qualification requirements which must be met by a tenderer, and also a way of proving whether the requirements are met, are specified in the Tender documents.
Proposals must be delivered to the address below on or before 17th September, 2021 not later than 11 a.m. by local time, in person or by post. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/40-2021/RD – Procurement of National Center for Production of Positron Radiopharmaceuticals and two PET/CT camera with associated equipment, design, construction works, installation, fitting (turnkey) and commissioning, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima, Nemanjina street no. 22-26, 11000 Belgrade, The Republic of Serbia, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening (the technical proposals) shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on 17th September, 2021 at 11.30 a.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Opening of the price part of the tenders shall be performed after the examination of the technical part of the proposals. The Employer shall submit, to all tenderers who sent bids, a reasoned Decision on the qualification of the tenderer, as well as an invitation to all qualified tenderers to participate in the opening of price proposal.
Procurement Notice - invalid version
Tender documents - invalid version
Information on site visit meeting
Amendment to Procurement Notice
Procurement Notice - invalid version
Tender documents - invalid version
Tender documents - invalid version
Tender documents - invalid version
Tender documents - invalid version
Amendment to Procurement Notice 2
Procurement Notice - valid version
Tender documents - valid version
Information on site visit meeting 2
Information on site visit meeting 3
Belgrade, 15th September 2021 - Updated public procurement plan for 2021 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Within the framework of its co-operation between Switzerland and Serbia, the Government of the Swiss Confederation represented by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (hereinafter referred to as SECO), granted technical and financial assistance in the form of a donation for the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Serbia - Rehabilitation and reconstruction of four pedestrian and three traffic bridges in the Municipality of Paracin (hereinafter referred to as the Project).
The funding project was formally approved by the Swiss authorities and Bilateral Project Agreement between the Authorities of Switzerland and Serbia has been signed.
Stucky Ltd, in Renens, Switzerland is the Swiss based Implementation Consultant (hereinafter referred to as Consultant) to SECO, Bern, Switzerland, entrusted with the consultancy services related to the implementation phase of the Project.
Municipality of Paracin, Direction for investments and sustainable development, Paracin, Serbia, hereinafter referred to as the Principle, is responsible to ensure proper implementation of the project by carrying out all the procurement, coordination and supervising the execution of the works by the Contractors. Consultant will be responsible for overall managing the project in a harmonized manner.
Municipality of Paracin, Direction for investments and sustainable development, Paracin Serbia invites International construction companies with experience in bridge construction and rehabilitation to submit their proposal for the Project.
Project foresees rehabilitation and heightening of two traffic bridges on Crnica river located in the city center of the Paracin. Two existing traffic bridges are ranging from 26.5 to 28.8 meters in span and 10 and 13.0 meters in width. After rehabilitation/reconstruction new traffic bridges will have spans of 33.84 m and bridges will have width from 12.5 to 14.5 m.
Scope of the project is removing of the existing bridges, Design for Construction, reconstruction and construction of the bridges and foundations together with construction of access roads. Positions of the bridges will be on the locations of existing ones. Traffic bridges are designed as prestressed concrete single span structures.
Note 1: The bridges that will be rehabilitated are currently in use. During the foreseen works the traffic should be enabled in certain extent that will be specified by the project.
Note 2: Design for construction permit and construction permit for bridges are obtained by Municipality of Paracin.
100% of the funds come from a grant from the Swiss Government, represented by SECO.
The language for bidding, contracting and contract execution shall be English. The site manager shall have the capacity to communicate in Serbian language.
The Invitation for Tender is published on 26th of July 2021 with a time of 63 calendar days for the preparation of technical and financial proposals (closing date 27th of September 2021).
Bidding will be based on SECO procurement guidelines and with respect to the Serbian law.
The contract will be awarded at the outcome of a joint financial and technical evaluation of proposals.
International and domestic Contractors with experience in construction and rehabilitation of bridges are now invited to submit the Bids.
This Invitation follows the publication of the Tender documents for this Project on the Swiss website for public procurement (SIMAP) , web site of Municipality, official PIMO web site and in local newspapers “Politika”.
Tender supported by the filled tender forms are to be transmitted against receipt to the address below and before the closing date below
Uprava za investicije I održivi razvoj opštine Paracin
Tome Živanovića 10, 35250 Paracin
Mr. Vladimir Jankovic
Closing date: 27th of September 2021 at 11:00 AM
Belgrade, 31st January 2020 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for Clinical Centre Zemun - Diagnostic and Intervention Imaging Equipment.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Diagnostic and Intervention Imaging Equipment for Clinical Center Zemun” no. IOP/37-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including two lots:
Lot 1 – Angiography, estimated value 550.000 EUR
Lot 2 – CT Scanner, estimated value 1.000.000 EUR
Place of destination is: Clinical Center Zemun,Vukova 9, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from Маy 2020 to July 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The Most Economically Advantageous Bid”. (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is March 17th, 2020 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/37-2019/UHI – Procurement of Diagnostic and Intervention Imaging Equipment for Clinical Center Zemun, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on March 17th, 2020 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 18th February 2020 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Improving the country's infrastructure for the development of information technologies: Тhe Centres of Excellence.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) FI N. 25.497 (RS) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, ratified by the Law on the Ratification of the Financial Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) signed between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank (“official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, no. 5/10), and to Section 3.3.2 International Procurement Procedures of the Guide to Procurement for projects financed by the EIB, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure: „Procurement of Equipment for BioSense Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia” no. IOP/41-2019/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including nine lots:
Lot 1 – Laser Micro Pattern Generator, estimated value 158.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 2 – Atmospheric Diagnostics, estimated value 170.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 3 – Ellipsometer, estimated value 145.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 4 – Surface Profiler, estimated value 69.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 5 – Mask Aligner Upgrade, estimated value 53.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 6 – Portable Mass Spectrometer, estimated value 45.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 7 – Biosystems, estimated value 159.100,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 8 – Electrical Measurements, estimated value 89.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 9 - Sensor Fabrication and Characterization, estimated value 108.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Place of destination is: BioSense Institute, Dr Zorana Djindjica 1, 21101 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia.
Contract will be signed with the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated, compliant and technically responsive bid, in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from April to August 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is „The lowest price of the compliant and technically responsive tenders” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website:
and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is April 1st 2020 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/41-2019/RD – The Procurement of Equipment for BioSense Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima, lot name and number”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on April 01th 2020 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment to procurement notice
Belgrade, 19th May 2021 - Updated public procurement plan for 2021 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link
Belgrade, 22nd April 2021 - Public procurement plan for 2021 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Belgrade, 11th November 2020 - Updated public procurement plan for 2020 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the European Investment Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Research and Development in the Public Sector. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for Sub-project: Improving the country's infrastructure for the development of information technologies: BioSense Institute.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, in accordance to the EIB Guide to Procurement (GtP), Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following construction works: Construction of the building of the Research and Development Institute for Information Technology of Biosystems (BioSense) in Novi Sad, Serbia no. IOP/43-2020/RD, and now invites bids from eligible tenderers to provide the already mentioned construction works.
Expected commencement date of construction works is October 2020th.
Brief description of the works:
The designed building site is on the Land Registry Plot 3660/8, Land Registry Municipality Novi Sad II, which is, in accordance with the Detailed Regulation Plan for the University Complex in Novi Sad, intended for the construction of a scientific institute.
The respective site, measuring 1,357 m2, is located between the Student Playground sports grounds, Suncani kej (Sunny Quay), and the Faculty of Sciences greenhouse building.
The site has an irregular quadrangle shape, and the terrain is relatively flat, with a slight northeast to southwest sloping.
The footprint of the designed building coincides with the outline and dimensions of the site, i.e., the site occupancy index is 100%, and the regulation lines coincide with the building lines.
The number of floors is: Crawl Space Floor + G + M + 2 in the section of the site in the 50 m embankment zone, or LG + G + M + 4 in the section outside the embankment zone.
The building GDA (gross development area) is 6,741.69 m2.
The designed ground floor baseline level (± 0.00m) is 1.05 m higher than the public area from which the building is accessed.
The main pedestrian access to the building is from Dr. Zoran Djindjic Street. The main entrance is located at the northern corner of the building, and it is accessed through a covered ground floor extension piazza terrace constructed within the boundaries of the site.
The driveway access is from Dr Zoran Djindjic Street, as well as via the pedestrian and traffic routes from the northwest and southwest side of thebuilding, foreseen by Detailed Regulation Plan for the University Complex in Novi Sad.
The covered parking area on the ground floor of the building has 11 parking spaces and several separate segment doors, which would be installed between the ground floor pillars to allow the parking area to be closed off and controlled.
The baseline level of the technical water pilot plant (TKV) and the supporting facilities adjacent to the pilot plant is lowered relative to the ground level, and it is -1.02 m.
The pilot plant and the covered parking area are accessed directly from the pedestrian and traffic routes foreseen by the Detailed Regulation Plan for the University Complex in Novi Sad, along the southwest, west and northwest site boundaries.
In terms of its functional organization, the main conceptual building design is driven by the complex programme and the irregular site geometry. The designed facade features require natural light and/or ventilation, while in the central part of the building, the design foresees facilities that, by their function, may not or should not have natural light and ventilation, and artificially illuminated and ventilated utility rooms.
The part of the building that requires special conditions in terms of measures preventing unwanted transmission of vibrations during technical operations is separated into a separate compartment space, with a separate waffle foundation slab, resting on the main raft foundation on special wear plates. This structure within the building extends from the crawl space floor all the way to the second-floor ceiling, and it is separated from the other building elements by dilatation. This part of the building has its own independent supporting walls and other structural elements, and it is described in more detail in the Structural Engineering Design.
The facilities foreseen in the building design include: laboratories, clean rooms, workstations for employees, workstations for external users, lecture halls, a canteen with ancillary rooms, restrooms, utility rooms, technical rooms, required vertical and horizontal communication facilities and a covered parking area.
The covered parking area would have 11 parking spaces and several separate segment doors, installed between the ground floor structure pillars.
The baseline level of the pilot plant and the supporting facilities adjacent to the pilot plant is lowered relative to the ground floor level, and it is -1.02 m. The pilot plant and the covered parking area can be accessed directly from the pedestrian and traffic routes foreseen by Detailed Regulation Plan for the University Complex in Novi Sad, along the southwest, west and northwest site boundaries.
The designed main building entrance is at the northern corner of the site, and it is extended relative to the regulation line of the upper floors to provide for a two-level covered terrace. The entrance is marked by a bay window, at the level of the mezzanine, first and second floors. The pedestrian piazza terrace is not accessible by vehicles from the access road, and it leads through a wide staircase and a ramp for persons with disabilities to a higher level - the entrance porch leading to the main lobby on the ground floor. The main lobby, extending to the roof of the building, would have a reception desk and a representative staircase leading to the second floor. A part of the communications in the lobby and in the mezzanine would be gallery type.
From the main lobby, there would be two corridors – one leading to the lecture rooms along the southeast facade, ending at the side entrance; and the second one leading to the canteen and the kitchen area along the northwest facade, ending at the garage entrance. This corridor also leads to the vertical communications core. The core houses a fire escape staircase, a passenger lift, capacity 1t, and a freight service lift, capacity 2t, which operate from the basement/lower ground to the IV floor. The fire escape staircase leads to the roof of the higher part of the building. A small lift, capacity 100kg, for carrying laboratory equipment, is also foreseen in the building. The lifts are described in more detail in the Lift Design.
The staircase descends to the lower ground level, which houses the technical rooms, a number of laboratories, and the storage rooms. From this area, it is possible to access the crawl space floor, which is located below the entrance porch foundation slab and which is used for the horizontal distribution of the various installations and their controls. The crawl space is 1.49 m high, and it is not included in the building GDA.
The utility rooms are foreseen to be in the central part of the building and on all lower floors, i.e., from the ground floor to the 2nd floor.
The mezzanine is accessed by the main staircase from the ground floor lobby, by lift or by fire escape staircase.
On the mezzanine floor, above the entrance piazza terrace, there would be a corner space with stands, which is an integral part of the main lobby, and in front of which there would be a lobby with a guest wardrobe. Along the northwest facade, there would be an open space work area for postgraduate students, while along the southeast facade, there would be the accelerator area - a workstation intended for external users.
The central part of the building is intended for laboratories.
At this level, there would also be technical rooms for installations and equipment and the server room.
According to the design, on the first and second floors, along the facade, there would be laboratories and workstations for researchers (offices). At these levels, the main staircase connecting to the lobby is separated from the lower floors by glass partitions with access control option, ensuring building access control and restriction for guests (unemployed persons). The main lobby receives additional daylight through a glass lantern designed in the second-floor attic panel.
On the first floor of the building, the design foresees clean room area, with a total area of approximately 100 m2. The areas protected from the vibrations from the adjacent parts of the building or from the outside are located one below another, starting from the crawl space floor.
On the third floor, the design foresees laboratories, work area for researchers and administration, while the fourth floor would house exclusively management and administration offices.
Tenders with variant solutions will not be accepted.
Contract will be signed with the best tenderer in an open international procurement procedure. The contract is expected to be implemented from October 2020 to June 2022 (excluding Defects Notification Period).
The tender evaluation criterion is the Lowest Price of the compliant and technically responsive tenders.
All firms are invited to participate in this tender procedure. The right to participate in this international tender belongs to all interested entities that fulfill the mandatory conditions for the participation in the procedure. The tenderer is obliged to submit the evidence on the fulfillment of the conditions that are determined in the Tender documents.
The conditions which must be met by a tenderer, and also a way of proving whether the conditions are met, are specified in the Tender documents.
Interested parties may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office Belgrade via e-mail:
The Tender Documents are available in the English language except for detailed design files that are given in Serbian.
A complete set of Tender Documents shall be posted on the Employer’s website: and will be available to any interested tenderer.
All tenders must be accompanied by a bank guarantee for Tender Security to be submitted in the amount of 200.000€. For the Tenderer from the Employer’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee. The Bank guarantee for Tender Security must be valid at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of Tender validity.
All bank guarantees must be irrevocable, i.e. without protest, unconditional and payable at first call.
Tender validity period is at least 120 calendar days from the final tender submission date.
The Ordering Authority shall organize a pre-tender meeting and site visit of which all interested parties will be duly informed in writing by notice posted on the Employer’s web-site and
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the following address not later than July 17th, 2020 at 11 am:
”Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”
Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
11000 Belgrade
Tenders have to be made according to the” two-envelope” procedure, in which both the technical and financial offers are submitted together, but in separate envelopes. The technical offers are opened first and evaluated for compliance. The financial envelopes of the technically responsive tenders only are then opened.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the reference „Bid for tender: Construction of the building of the Research and Development Institute for Information Technology of Biosystems (BioSense) in Novi Sad, no. IOP/43-2020/RD” in person or by post at the abovementioned address no later than July 17th, 2020, until 11 am.
Bids received after the deadline specified in the preceding paragraph shall be considered untimely. Untimely bids shall not be opened and after opening procedure shall be returned to the bidder, with an indication stating that the bid is not submitted timely.
The tender opening (the technical offers) shall take place on the same day July 17th, 2020 at 1pm at the address: Belgrade, Krunska street No. 58 in the presence of the authorized representatives of those tenderers who choose to attend the tender opening with the provision of the authorization to attend the tender opening session.
Opening of financial part of the tenders shall be performed after the examination of the technical part of the bids. The Employer shall submit, to all tenderers who sent bids, a reasoned Decision on the qualification of the tenderer, as well as an invitation to all qualified tenderers to participate in the opening of financial bids.
Attachment to Answer 3 Clarification 1
Information on site visit meeting
Amendment to information on site visit meeting
Attachment to Clarification 11
Attachment to Clarification 12
Decision on qualification of the bidders
Information - public opening of financial proposals
Belgrade, October 25th - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Improvement of scientific infrastructure in the field of medical science through the purchase of new capital equipment, adaptation of existing and/or construction of new facilities, adaptation of existing and/or construction of new capacities for the needs of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Narodni Front.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure: „Procurement of Equipment for The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Narodni Front, Belgrade, Serbia” no. IOP/29-2019/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invites eligible bidders for the procurement including eight lots:
Lot 1 – Radiology, estimated value 677.600,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 2 – Anesthesia and ICU, estimated value 1.068.400,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 3 – IVF, estimated value 802.450,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 4 – Wards, estimated value 688.100,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 5 – Surgery, estimated value 759.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 6 – Sterilization, estimated value 884.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 7 – ICT, estimated value 374.050,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 8 – Laboratory, estimated value 200.100,00 EUR excluding VAT
Place of destination is:
The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Narodni Front
Kraljice Natalije 62
11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Contract will be signed with the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated, compliant and technical responsive bid, in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from January 2020 to March 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is „The lowest price of the compliant and technical responsive tender”.
The Tenders will then be ranked from the lowest to the highest price. The lowest Tender is the most favourable. This provision applies to all lots.
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail: .
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be per Lot (EUR):
Lot 1 – Radiology, 20.000 EUR
Lot 2 – Anesthesia and ICU, 30.000 EUR
Lot 3 – IVF, 25.000 EUR
Lot 4 – Wards, 20.000 EUR
Lot 5 – Surgery, 25.000 EUR
Lot 6 – Sterilization, 25.000 EUR
Lot 7 – ICT, 10.000 EUR
Lot 8 – Laboratory, 10.000 EUR
For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
Deadline for submission of the bids is December 10th 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/29-2019/RD – „Procurement of Equipment for The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic Narodni Front, Belgrade, Serbia”, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima, lot name and number”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on December 10th 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Notice on cancelling a public procurement procedure
Within the framework of its co-operation between Switzerland and Serbia, the Government of the Swiss Confederation represented by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (hereinafter referred to as SECO), granted technical and financial assistance in the form of a donation for the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Serbia - Rehabilitation and reconstruction of four pedestrian and three traffic bridges in the Municipality of Paracin (hereinafter referred to as the Project).
The funding project was formally approved by the Swiss authorities and Bilateral Project Agreement between the Authorities of Switzerland and Serbia has been signed.
Stucky Ltd, in Renens, Switzerland is the Swiss based Implementation Consultant (hereinafter referred to as Consultant) to SECO, Bern, Switzerland, entrusted with the consultancy services related to the implementation phase of the Project.
Municipality of Paracin, Direction for investments and sustainable development, Paracin, Serbia, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, is responsible to ensure proper implementation of the project by carrying out all the procurement, coordination and supervising the execution of the works by the Contractors. Consultant will be responsible for overall managing the project in a harmonized manner.
Municipality of Paracin, Direction for investments and sustainable development, Paracin Serbia invites International construction companies with experience in bridge construction and rehabilitation to submit their proposal for the Project.
Project foresees rehabilitation and heightening of four pedestrian bridges on Crnica river located in the city center of the Paracin. Four existing pedestrian bridges are ranging from 24.5 to 30.6 meters in span and 2.0 meters in width.
Scope of the project is removing of the existing bridges and supporting piers and Construction design and construction of the new bridges and foundations together with construction of access ramps. Positions of the new bridges will be on the locations of existing ones. Pedestrian bridges will be steel truss structures.
Note 1: All bridges that will be rehabilitated are currently in use. During the foreseen works the pedestrian traffic should be enabled in certain extent that will be specified by the project.
Note 2: Design for construction permit and construction permit for all bridges are obtained by Municipality of Paracin.
100% of the funds come from a grant from the Swiss Government, represented by SECO.
The language for bidding, contracting and contract execution shall be English. The site manager shall have the capacity to communicate in Serbian language.
The Invitation for Tender is published on 18th of November 2020 with a time of 68 calendar days for the preparation of technical and financial proposals (closing date 25th of January 2021).
Bidding will be based on SECO procurement guidelines and with respect to the Serbian law.
The contract will be awarded at the outcome of a joint financial and technical evaluation of proposals.
International and domestic Contractors with experience in construction and rehabilitation of bridges are now invited to submit the Bids.
This Invitation follows the publication of the Tender documents for this Project on the Swiss website for public procurement (SIMAP) , web site of Municipality www.paracin .rs, official PIMO web site and in local newspapers “Politika”.
Tender supported by the filled tender forms are to be transmitted against receipt to the address below and before the closing date below
Uprava za investicije I održivi razvoj opštine Paracin
Tome Živanovića 10, 35250 Paracin
Mr. Vladimir Jankovic
Closing date: 25th January 2021 at 11:00 AM
Belgrade, 12th March 2020 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia-Radiotherapy and Diagnostic Equipment.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019 and in accordance with CEB Procurement Guidelines, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Radiotherapy and Diagnostic equipment, Belgrade, no. IOP/36-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including two lots:
Lot 1 – Radiotherapy Equipment, estimated value 8.060.000, 00 €
Lot 2 – Diagnostic Equipment, estimated value, 4.785.000,00 €
Place of destination is: Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia, Pasterova 14, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from June 2020 to October 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The Lowest Tender Price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is on May 5th, 2020 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/36-2019/UHI –Procurement of Radiotherapy and Diagnostic equipment, Belgrade, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on May 5th, 2020 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 20th October 2020 - Updated public procurement plan for 2020 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
International Public Bidding (with Pre-qualification)
Partner Country: Republic of Serbia
Reference-No.: BMZ No. 2014 68 644, 2014 70 384 KfW Procurement No. 505906
Submission Deadline: October 9th, 2020 (12:00 local time in Serbia)
Submission Language: English
Prequalification: Invitation for Expression of Interest
Reference: International open tender for Consulting Services for the Project “Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings, Phase II” in Serbia.
Employer: Public Investment and Management Office (PIMO)
Financing: The Project will be financed by KfW by a loan in the amount of EUR 20 million and a grant in the amount of EUR 1,5 million.
Belgrade, 2nd September 2020 - Public procurement plan for 2020 of Public Investment Management Office is on following link .
Belgrade, November 18th 2019 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Improving the country's infrastructure for the development of information technologies: Creation of Science and Technology Park in Niš.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) FI N. 25.497 (RS) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, ratified by the Law on the Ratification of the Financial Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) signed between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank (“official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, no. 5/10), and to Section 3.3.2 International Procurement Procedures of the Guide to Procurement for projects financed by the EIB, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure: „Procurement of various equipment for The Science Technology Park building in Niš, Serbia” no. IOP/31-2019/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invites eligible bidders for the above-mentioned public procurement including two lots:
Lot 1- Furniture, restaurant kitchen and additional equipment
Lot 2-Electronic equipment
Estimated value is:
For Lot 1: 380.000,00 EUR excluded VAT
For Lot 2: 150.000,00 EUR excluded VAT
Place of destination is:
For Lot 1: Furniture, restaurant kitchen and additional equipment:
The Science and Technological Park in Niš
Bul. Nikole Tesle
18000 Niš, Republic of Serbia
Lot 2-Electronic equipment:
The Science and Technological Park in Niš
Bul. Nikole Tesle
18000 Niš, Republic of Serbia
Contract will be signed with the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated, compliant and technical responsive bid, in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from January 2020 to March 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is „The lowest price of the compliant and technical responsive tender”.
The Tenders will then be ranked from the lowest to the highest price. The lowest Tender is the most favourable.
This provision applies to all lots.
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail: .
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be per Lot (EUR):
Lot 1-Furniture, restaurant kitchen and additional equipment-10.000 EUR
Lot 2-Electronic equipment: 4.000 EUR
For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
Deadline for submission of the bids is December 30th 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/31-2019/RD – „Procurement of various equipment for The Science Technology Park building in Niš, Serbia” no. IOP/31-2019/RD”, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima’, lot name and number, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on December 30th 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 27th February 2020 - Within the framework of its co-operation between Switzerland and Serbia, the Government of the Swiss Confederation represented by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (hereinafter referred to as SECO), granted technical and financial assistance in the form of a donation for the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Serbia - Installation of the equipment for Early Warning System (EWS) in city of Uzice (hereinafter referred to as the Project).
The funding project was formally approved by the Swiss authorities and Bilateral Project Agreement between the Authorities of Switzerland and Serbia has been signed.
Stucky Ltd, in Renens, Switzerland is the Swiss based Implementation Consultant (hereinafter referred to as Consultant) to SECO, Bern, Switzerland, entrusted with the consultancy services related to the implementation phase of the Project.
City of Uzice, Direction of infrastructure and development, Uzice, Serbia, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, is responsible to ensure proper implementation of the project by carrying out all the procurement, coordination and supervising the execution of the Services by the Contractor. Consultant will be responsible for overall managing the project in a harmonized manner.
City of Uzice, Direction for infrastructure and development, Uzice, Serbia invites International construction companies for procurement and installation of the equipment for EWS to submit their proposal for the Project.
Note 1: Early warning system consist in total of ten stations (hydrological stations, automatic meteorological, climatological and precipitation stations) that are foreseen to be installed based on priority list, which includes Priority 1 and Priority 2. Installation of the Stations listed in the Priority 1 is required while installation of the Stations listed in the Priority 2 is optional and will be decided after evaluation of the Offers.
Note 2: The contract shall be signed both in English and Serbian languages. Whenever there is a conflict between the Serbian and the English versions of the contract, the English version of the Contract shall prevail. All official correspondence exchange shall be in English with Serbian translation.
Note 3: Permits for entering in the properties where Stations are located and Permit for installation of Stations will be obtained by City of Uzice.
100% of the funds come from a grant from the Swiss Government, represented by SECO.
The language for bidding, contracting and contract execution shall be English. The site manager shall have the capacity to communicate in Serbian language.
The Invitation for Tender is published on 27th of February 2020 with a time of 60 calendar days for the preparation of technical and financial proposals (closing date 27th of April 2020).
Bidding will be based on SECO procurement guidelines and with respect to the Serbian law.
The contract will be awarded at the outcome of a joint financial and technical evaluation of proposals.
International and domestic Contractors with experience in installation of EWS are now invited to submit the Bids.
This Invitation follows the publication of the Tender documents for this Project on the Swiss website for public procurement (SIMAP) , web site of City of Uzice, official PIMO web site and in local newspapers “Politika”.
Tender supported by the filled tender forms are to be transmitted against receipt to the address below and before the closing date below:
Gradska uprava za infrastrukturu i razvoj
Komisija za javnu nabavku
ul. Dimitrija Tucovića br. 52, 31000 Užice
Closing date: 27th April 2020 at 11:00 AM
Dear Bidders,
As the World Health Organization announced on March 12th, 2020, that the spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) is a Pandemic event, many Governments all over the world undertake several and severe measures to prevent the spread of the virus. Accordingly, the Serbian Government had declared the National Emergency State on March 15th 2020, which includes the travel restrictions, quarantine for people travelling to Serbia etc.
Having in mind this exceptional situation and following request of some of the potential Bidders, we inform you that in accordance with the Instructions to the Tenderers, Clause 17, the deadline for submission of Tenders has been extended to 25th of May 2020, 11:00 AM. Tender opening will take place on 25th of May 2020 at 12:00 PM.
Accordingly, the Request for clarification can be submitted until 4th of May 2020.
Invitation for tender
Tender documents
Study for EWS Uzice
21st of April 2020 - The Austrian Development Agency (acting on behalf of the public water management company Srbijavode as Investor) intends to award a contract for works under FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 contract conditions in Paracin with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on . The tender dossier can be downloaded under this link.
Possible additional information, addenda or clarifications shall be published at the location where the tender dossier is published: .
List Contact Point/further information: Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte, e-mail:, tel: +43 1 409 76 09
Location of the works/projects to be supervised: Paracin, Serbia.
CPV codes: 45246000-3, 45247200-2, 71320000-7
Deadline for submission of tenders: Friday, 29 May 2020, 17:00 Vienna local time at Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte in Bartensteingasse 2, 1010 Vienna or via the electronic procurement platform .
Country: Republic of Serbia
Project Title: Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program: Scaling Up Resilient Infrastructure Project
Grant Number: GF DDR A7621
Contract Ref: SRB - JPN – GFDDR – RFQ – 2020 - 13
Contract Name: Procurement of Hardware and System Software for DRRIP
Date: March 19, 2020
The Republic of Serbiahas received financing from the European Investment Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Research and Development in the Public Sector. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for Sub-project: Improving the country's infrastructure for the development of information technologies: Construction of a New Building of the Faculty ofOrganizationalSciencesin Belgradein accordance with the European Investment Bank Guide to Procurement.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1,item 2a) of thePublic Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010,in accordance to the EIB Guide to Procurement (GtP), Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following construction works: Construction of a New Building of the Faculty of Organizational Sciencesin Belgradeno. IOP/30-2019/RD, and now invites bids from eligible tenderers to provide the already mentioned construction works.
- Attachment to Clarification 4
Decision on eligibility of the bidders
Public opening of financial offers
Belgrade, 31st January 2020 - The Republic of Serbia has received financing in amount of USD 1 020 000,00 from the Japan (“Donor”) that will be administered by the World Bank toward the cost of the Grant: “Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program: Scaling Up Resilient Infrastructure Project”, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services to be procured under this project.
The scope of the assignment will include: Technical and field support - seismic risk assessment and seismic retrofitting of schools; Practical application of seismic risk assessment methodology that consists of two stages of seismic risk evaluation (desk review and field visit); Input, compilation and validation of data from technical questionnaires; Analysis of data, valorisation (desk review) of buildings; On-site inspection of up to 80 selected buildings; Filling the technical questionnaires for each school object; Processing of collected data into summary tables.
It is expected that Consultants start work in February 2020. The assignment will last till June, 2020.
Required qualifications and skills:
• University degree in civil engineering or architecture;
• Three years of relevant professional experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience;
• Familiar with the building design codes for buildings in seismic areas and seismic hazard assessment practice;
• Possession of Serbian engineering license 310 or 300 will be considered as an advantage;
• Good understanding of community, institutional and government roles and responsibilities;
• Experience in surveys, inspection and design for rehabilitation of public-use buildings.
• Experience in projects funded by international organizations;
• First-rate analytical, writing and speaking skills in English and Serbian;
• Experience from working individually and in team;
• Computer skills in Microsoft Office (particularly Word, Excel).
The detailed Terms of Reference for all of the consulting services is posted on the website of the Public Investment Management Office at .
The Public Investment Management Office (PIMO) now invites eligible Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (scanned diplomas to be sent with CV).
The evaluation criteria for assignment:
• General qualifications (30 points)
• Adequacy for the Assignment (50 Points)
• Specific experience relevant for the assignment (20 Points)
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers – Procurement in Investment Project Financing Goods, World, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, revised November 2017 (“the Regulations”) setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultants will be selected in accordance with the Open Competitive Selection of Individual Consultants as set out in the Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 09:00 to 15:00 hours.
Expressions of interest (CV) in English language must be delivered in a written form to the e-mail address below, by February 7, 2020, 12:00 hours, local time.
Public Investment Management Office
Attn: Biljana Djokic
Procurement Specialist
Address: Nemanjina 11, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Phone : +381 11 3617-737
Request for expressions of interest
Terms of reference
Belgrade, 9th October 2019 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for Clinical Centre Zemun -Procurement of furniture and IT Equipment.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Furniture and IT Equipment for Clinical Centre Zemun” no. IOP/34-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including two lots:
Lot 1 – Furniture and Equipment estimated value 445.000 EUR
Lot 2 – IT Equipment, estimated value 580.000 EUR
Place of destination is: Clinical Center Zemun,Vukova 9, Serbia, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from December 2019 to February 2019.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest evaluated bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is November 29th 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/34-2019/UHI – Procurement of Furniture and IT Equipment for Clinical Center Zemun Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number “, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on November 29th 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Information about Amendment to Tender Documents
Amendment to Public Invitation
Belgrade, 1st October 2019 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Upgrade of Healthcare Infrastructure in Serbia, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for University children hospital Tiršova - Procurement of furniture.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank LD1981(2018) dated 15th of April 2019, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Furniture for University children hospital Tiršova” no. IOP/32-2019/UHI.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders to participate in the procurement of equipment with the estimated value of 210.000 EUR.
Place of destination is: University children hospital Tiršova, Tiršova 10, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from November 2019 to February 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest tender price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is November 20th, 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/32-2019/UHI – Procurement of Furniture for University children hospital Tiršova, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on November 20th, 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Within the framework of its co-operation between Switzerland and Serbia, the Government of the Swiss Confederation represented by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (hereinafter referred to as SECO), granted technical and financial assistance in the form of a donation for the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction Project in Serbia - Rehabilitation and reconstruction of four pedestrian and three traffic bridges in the Municipality of Paracin (hereinafter referred to as the Project).
The funding project was formally approved by the Swiss authorities and Bilateral Project Agreement between the Authorities of Switzerland and Serbia has been signed.
Stucky Ltd, in Renens, Switzerland is the Swiss based Implementation Consultant (hereinafter referred to as Consultant) to SECO, Bern, Switzerland, entrusted with the consultancy services related to the implementation phase of the Project.
Municipality of Paracin, Direction for investments and sustainable development, Paracin, Serbia, hereinafter referred to as the Employer, is responsible to ensure proper implementation of the project by carrying out all the procurement, coordination and supervising the execution of the works by the Contractors. Consultant will be responsible for overall managing the project in a harmonized manner.
Municipality of Paracin, Direction for investments and sustainable development, Paracin Serbia invites International construction companies with experience in road and bridge construction and rehabilitation to express their interest in submitting a proposal for the Project.
Project foresees rehabilitation and heightening of four pedestrian and three traffic bridges on Crnica river located in the city center of the Paracin. Four existing pedestrian bridges are ranging from 24.5 to 30.6 meters in span and 2.0 meters in width, while three existing traffic bridges are from 26.5 to 31.8 meters in span and 10.0 to 13.0 meters in width.
Scope of the project is removing of the existing bridges and supporting piers and Construction design and construction of the new bridges and foundations together with construction of access ramps and roads. Positions of the new bridges will be on the locations of existing ones. Pedestrian bridges will steel truss structures while traffic bridges will be prestressed concrete structures.
Note 1: All bridges that will be rehabilitated are currently in use. During the foreseen works vehicular and pedestrian traffic should be enabled in certain extent that will be specified by the project.
Note 2: The contract shall be signed both in English and Serbian languages. Whenever there is a conflict between the Serbian and the English versions of the contract, the English version of the Contract shall prevail. All official correspondence exchange shall be in English with Serbian translation.
Note 3: Design for construction permit for construction permit for all bridges is currently in progress.
100% of the funds come from a grant from the Swiss Government, represented by SECO.
The language for bidding, contracting and contract execution shall be English. The site manager shall have the capacity to communicate in Serbian language.
The bidding process is planned in the Spring 2020 with a time of 40 calendar days for the preparation of technical and financial proposals.
Bidding will be based on SECO procurement guidelines and with respect to the Serbian law.
The contract will be awarded at the outcome of a joint financial and technical evaluation of proposals.
International and domestic Contractors with experience in construction and rehabilitation of roads and bridges are now invited to prequalify for the call for bids.
Prequalification documents are based on the World Bank standard procurement document "Prequalification Document for Procurement of Works" edition September 2011. All changes made on the general clauses are indicated as footnotes. The forms are adapted without indications.
This Invitation follows the publication of Prequalification documents for this Project on the Swiss website for public procurement (SIMAP), web site of Municipality of Paracin and official PIMO web site
Expressions of interest supported by the filled prequalification forms are to be transmitted against receipt to the address below and before the closing date below:
Uprava za investicije i održivi razvoj opštine Paraćin
Tome Živanovića 10, 35250 Paraćin
Contact: G. Vladimir Jankovic,
Closing date: 27th January 2020 at 11:00 AM
Public Investment Management Office announces contract award notice for Procurement of MRI Scanner upgrade No. NP/33-2019/UHI.
Belgrade, 9 October 2018 - The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the European Investment Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Research and Development in the Public Sector. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for Sub-project: Faculty of Electronic Engineering (University of Niš) – Multifunctional building upgrade construction works execution in accordance with the European Investment Bank Guide to Procurement.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following construction works: Faculty of Electronic Engineering (University of Niš) – Multifunctional building upgrade construction works execution no. IOP/15-2018/RD, and now invites bids from eligible tenderers to provide the already mentioned construction works.
Estimated value is 4,250,000.00 EUR excluding VAT.
Expected commencement date of construction works is February 2019th.
Brief description of the works:
The new multifunctional building of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Nis was designed, with GF+5 floors, total gross surface area of the building (upgrade) 6950.38 m2, on the cadastral parcel no. 1928/1, cad. mun. Nis-Crveni Krst. The multifunctional building will be located next to the existing building of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and presents its upgrade, and makes a functional whole with it (building in interrupted row).
Overview of main parameters:
Building purpose: Higher education
Floors (the existing building): GF+2, GF+4, GF+7
Floors (upgrade): B+GF+5
Surface area of the horizontal projection of the part of the building above ground (the existing building): 6965.09 m2
total GFA above ground - the existing building 25381.00 m2
Floor level of the ground floor: +198.60 m.a.s.l. and +199.10 m.a.s.l.
Height of the building (upgrade): +26.50 m (+224.80 m.a.s.l.)
Roof shape: Flat roof
Number of parking spaces (newly-projected): 81
Tenders with variant solutions will not be accepted.
Contract will be signed with the best tenderer in an open international procurement procedure. The contract is expected to be implemented from February 2019 to January 2020 (excluding Defects Notification Period).
The tender evaluation criterion is the Lowest Evaluated Tender Price.
The right to participate in this international tender belongs to all interested entities that fulfill the mandatory conditions for the participation in the procedure. The tenderer is obliged to submit the evidence on the fulfillment of the conditions that are determined in the Tender documents.
The conditions which must be met by a tenderer, and also a way of proving whether the conditions are met, are specified in the Tender documents.
Interested parties may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office Belgrade via e-mail:
The Tender Documents are available in the English language except for detailed design files that are given in Serbian.
A complete set of Tender Documents shall be posted on the Employer’s website: and will be available to any interested tenderer.
All tenders must be accompanied by a bank guarantee for Tender Security to be submitted in the amount of 50.000€. For the Tenderer from the Employer’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee. The Bank guarantee for Tender Security must be valid at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of Tender validity.
The Tender Security, Performance and Advance Payment Guarantee, which the chosen Tenderer is required to present following the execution of contract, must be verified by a domestic bank, i.e. the Tenderer is required to present, together with a foreign bank’s guarantee, a counter guarantee from a domestic bank.
All bank guarantees must be irrevocable, i.e. without protest, unconditional and payable at first call.
Tender validity period is at least 120 calendar days from the final tender submission date.
If necessary, the Ordering Authority shall organize a pre-tender meeting and site visit of which all parties that have collected the Tender Documents will be duly informed in writing by posting an information on the Employer’s website: and
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the following address not later than November 27th, 2018 at 11 am:
”Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”
Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
11000 Belgrade
Tenders have to be made according to the ”two-envelope” procedure, in which both the technical and financial offers are submitted together, but in separate envelopes. The technical offers are opened first and evaluated for compliance. The financial envelopes of the technically responsive tenders only are then opened.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the reference „Bid for tender: Faculty of Electronic Engineering (University of Niš) – Multifunctional building upgrade construction works execution no. IOP/15-2018/RD” in person or by post at the abovementioned address no later than November 27th, 2018, until 11 am.
Bids received after the deadline specified in the preceding paragraph shall be considered untimely. Untimely bids shall not be opened and after opening procedure shall be returned to the bidder, with an indication stating that the bid is not submitted timely.
The tender opening (the technical offers) shall take place on the same day November 27th, 2018 at 1pm at the address: Belgrade, Krunska street No. 58 in the presence of the authorized representatives of those tenderers who choose to attend the tender opening with the provision of the authorization to attend the tender opening session.
Opening of financial part of the tenders shall be performed after the examination of the technical part of the bids. The Employer shall submit, to all tenderers who sent bids, a reasoned Decision on the eligibility of the tenderer, as well as an invitation to all qualified tenderers to participate in the opening of financial bids.
The Resolution on the qualifications of the tenderers
Information - Public Opening Financial Offers
Procurement notice and Tender Documents of the Clinical Center of Serbia for Public Procurement - Construction works on rehabilitation of the facility of the Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases "Prof. Dr Kosta Todorovic", were published on the Procurement Portal and the contracting authority on November 8th, 2019.
BElgrade, 12th June 2019. - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and the Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Тhe Centres of Excellence.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure: „Procurement of Equipment for Innovation Centre - School of Electrical Engineering – University of Belgrade (ICEF) and The Science Technology Park Belgrade, Serbia” no. IOP/25-2019/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invites eligible bidders for the procurement including two lots:
Lot 1 – Equipment for Innovation Centre of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade (ICEF), estimated value 668.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 2 – Equipment for The Science Technology Park Belgrade (STP Belgrade), estimated value 420.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Place of destination is:
For Lot 1: Innovation Centre - School of Electrical Engineering – University of Belgrade (ICEF), No.73 Boulevard kralja Aleksandra, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia,
For Lot 2: The Science Technology Park Belgrade (STP Belgrade), No.54 Veljka Dugoševića Street, 11050 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Contract will be signed with the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated, compliant and technical responsive bid, in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from September 2019 to January 2020.
The Tender evaluation criterion is „The lowest price of the compliant and technical responsive tender”.
The Tenders will then be ranked from the lowest to the highest price. The lowest Tender is the most favourable. This provision applies to all lots.
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail: .
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be per Lot (EUR):
Lot 1 – Equipment for ICEF – 20,000 EUR
Lot 2 – Equipment for STP Belgrade – 15,000 EUR
For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
Deadline for submission of the bids is August 2nd 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/25-2019/RD – Procurement of Equipment for Innovation Centre - School of Electrical Engineering – University of Belgrade (ICEF) and The Science Technology Park Belgrade, Serbia, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima, lot name and number”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on August 2nd 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Procurement notice for public procurement procedure No. IOP/25-2019/RD
Tender documents for public procurement procedure No. IOP/25-2019/RD
Lot 1 Technical specification and Price Schedule for public procurement procedure No. IOP/25-2019/RD
Lot 2 Technical specification and Price Schedule for public procurement procedure No. IOP/25-2019/RD
Belgrade, 14th October 2019 - The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the World Bank acting as administrator of Grant funds provided by Japan (Donor) in amount of USD 1 020 000,00 toward the cost of the Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program: Scaling Up Resilient Infrastructure Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
The consulting services (“the Services”) include preparation of technical documentation needed for construction/reconstruction of structural flood protection measures within the Požega Valley, within the present Flood Defended Areas and new ones (downstream to the Zapadna Morava River and upstream from the Požega City).
The Consultant shall define best technical solutions of the future flood protection system for the City of Požega, along the main rivers (Zapadna Morava, Skrapež, Moravica) and their torrential tributaries ( whole catchments), within the wider City area borders.
Within the scope of this assignment, the Consultant shall
(i) in Phase 1: perform investigation works and
(ii) in Phase 2: prepare Conceptual Solution with Hydrotechnical Study and Geodetic Survey Study
The consulting services include complex investigations and analyses needed to prepare geodetic, basic geological and geotechnical, hydrologic, hydraulic, spatial, legal, and other data for designs process.
The Consultant must be a company with a licence PO80G3 issued by Serbian Ministry of construction, transport and infrastructure. The Consultant shall provide the team that consists of a Team Leader, two Designers – Hydraulic and Construction Engineers, one Geodetic Surveying Engineer and one Geologist – Geotechnical Engineer.
It is expected that services start in November 2019 and must be ended by June 30, 2020.
The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be obtained at the address given below:
Biljana Djokic, email:
Maja Markovic, email:
Public Investment Management Office
Svetozara Markovica 42
Phone: +381113620428
The Public Investment Management Office invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraphs, 3.14, 3.16, and 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 1, 2016, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
Consultants may associate with other firms to enhance their qualifications, but should indicate clearly whether the association is in the form of a joint venture and/or a sub-consultancy. In the case of a joint venture, all the partners in the joint venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the entire contract, if selected.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant’s Qualification-based Selection (CQS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 09:00 to 15:00 hours.
Expressions of interest must be delivered in a written form to the address below in person or by e-mail, by October 29, 2019.
Public Investment Management Office
Biljana Djokic
Procurement Specialist
Svetozara Markovica 42
Phone: +381113620428
The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Тhe Centres of Excellence.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank F/P 1739 dated 4th of November 2011, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the „Procurement of Equipment for BioSense Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia” no. IOP/22-2018/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including ten lots:
Lot 1 – Laser Micro Pattern Generator, estimated value 158.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 2 – Atmospheric Diagnostics, estimated value 156.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 3 – Ellipsometer, estimated value 145.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 4 – Material Characterization, estimated value 169.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 5 – Surface Profiler, estimated value 69.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 6 – Mask Aligner Upgrade, estimated value 53.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 7 – Portable Mass Spectrometer, estimated value 45.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 8 – Biosystems, estimated value 123.000,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 9 – Electrical Measurements, estimated value 89.500,00 EUR excluding VAT
Lot 10 - Sensor Fabrication and Characterization, estimated value 108.300,00 EUR excluding VAT
Place of destination is: BioSense Institute, Dr Zorana Djindjica 1, 21101 Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia.
Contract will be signed with the Bidder whose offer has been determined to be the lowest evaluated, compliant and technically responsive bid, in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from March to July 2019.
The Tender evaluation criterion is „The lowest price of the compliant and technically responsive tenders” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is February 20th 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/22-2018/RD – The Procurement of Equipment for BioSense Institute in Novi Sad, Serbia, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima, lot name and number”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on February 20th 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Decision on contract award and cancellation of procurement procedure No. IOP/22-2018/RD
Contract award notice and notice on canceling public procurement procedure
Information about Republic Commission Decision
Belgrade, 28 May 2019 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Modernisation of Clinical Centre „Dr Dragiša Mišović - Dedinje”.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank F/P 1739 dated 4th of November 2011, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Furniture for Clinical Centre „Dr Dragiša Mišović - Dedinje” no. IOP/27-2019/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders to participate in the procurement of furniture with the estimated value of 390.000 EUR.
Place of destination is: Clinical Centre „Dr Dragiša Mišović-Dedinje”, Heroja Milana Tepića 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from August to September 2019.
The Tender evaluation criterion is „the lowest tender price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is July 22th, 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/27-2019/RD - Furniture for Clinical Centre „Dr Dragiša Mišović - Dedinje”, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the abovementioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on July 22th, 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Belgrade, 31st July 2019 - The Republic of Serbia has received financing in amount of USD 1 020 000,00 from the Japan (“Donor”) that will be administered by the World Bank toward the cost of the Grant: “Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program: Scaling Up Resilient Infrastructure Project”, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services to be procured under this project.
The scope of the assignment will include: preparation of TORs for Software Development of Disaster Risk Reduction Investment Planning (DRRIP) Platform, including e-learning component and technical specifications for Hardware and System Software for DRRIP Platform; monitoring and control of different contracts related to execution to Software Development of DRRIP Platform and Hardware and System Software for DRRIP Platform; preparation of reports and recommendations for contract implementation; work closely with the PIMO office and assist in implementation of the Grant.
It is expected that Consultant starts its work in August 2019 and to be engaged till June, 2020 for approximately 75 working days.
Required qualifications and skills: Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science; At least seven (15) years of professional experience; Minimum 10 years of professional working experience in software design and development; Excellent oral and written communication skills in English; Research interest in the areas of risk management and ICT (with published articles/research papers in reputable sources) will be considered as an advantage.
The detailed Terms of Reference for all of the consulting services is posted on the website of the Public Investment Management Office at .
The Public Investment Management Office (PIMO) now invites eligible Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (scanned diplomas to be sent with CV).
The evaluation criteria for assignment:
• General qualifications (30 points)
• Adequacy for the Assignment (50 Points)
• Specific experience relevant for the assignment (20 Points)
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers – Procurement in Investment Project Financing Goods, World, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, revised November 2017 (“the Regulations”) setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Open Competitive Selection of Individual Consultants as set out in the Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 09:00 to 15:00 hours.
Expressions of interest (Cover Letter + CV) in English language must be delivered in a written form to the e-mail address below, by August 9, 2019, 12:00 hours, local time.
Public Investment Management Office
Attn: Biljana Djokic
Address: Nemanjina 11, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Phone : +381 11 3617-737
Belgrade, July 22, 2019
Project Title: Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program Support for End to End Early Warning System Project
Source of Funding: TF GRANT NO. TF0A4344
Contract Ref: SRB-DRM-SH-SB-2019-21
Contract Name: Procurement of of smart board sets
Dear Sirs,
You are invited to submit your price quotation for:
1. Smart board sets – 18 pcs
Information on description, specifications and required quantities are attached in the Annex 1 (attached).
2. You must quote for all the items under this Invitation.
3. Your price quotation in the form attached may be submitted electronically (in PDF format) at the address below (paragraph 7) and shall consist of:
• Invitation to Quote
• Terms and Conditions of Supply
• Technical Specification
• Form of Quotation
4. The deadline for receipt of your quotation (s) by the Purchaser at the address indicated in Paragraph 6 is: August 2, 2019.
5. Your quotation should be accompanied by adequate technical documentation and catalogue(s) and other printed material or pertinent information (in English language) for each item quoted.
6. Your quotation(s) should be submitted as per the following instructions and in accordance with the attached Contract. The attached Terms and Conditions of Supply is an integral part of the Contract.
7. Further information can be obtained from address below:
Biljana Djokic
Procurement Specialist
Directorate for Water
Project Implementation Unit
Dr. Ivana Ribara 149/11
11070 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia
Fax: +381 (0) 11 6163 600
Belgrade, July 22, 2019
Project Title: Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program Support for End to End Early Warning System Project
Source of Funding: TF GRANT NO. TF0A4344
Contract Ref: SRB-DRM-SH-HYD-2019-20
Contract Name: Procurement of Hydrometeorological equipment for selected measuring stations
Dear Sirs,
1. You are invited to submit your price quotation for:
1. Automatic hydrological station (AHS) – 2 pcs
2. Automatic meteorological station (AMS) – 3 pcs
Information on description, specifications and required quantities are attached in the Annex 1.
2. You must quote for all the items under this Invitation.
3. Your price quotation in the form attached may be submitted electronically (in PDF format) at the address below (paragraph 7) and shall consist of:
• Invitation to Quote
• Terms and Conditions of Supply
• Technical Specification
• Form of Quotation
4. The deadline for receipt of your quotation (s) by the Purchaser at the address indicated in Paragraph 6 is: August 5, 2019.
5. Your quotation should be accompanied by adequate technical documentation and catalogue(s) and other printed material or pertinent information (in English language) for each item quoted.
6. Your quotation(s) should be submitted as per the following instructions and in accordance with the attached Contract. The attached Terms and Conditions of Supply is an integral part of the Contract.
(i) PRICES: The prices should be quoted in any Bank’s member country currency, but no more than three currencies for the Total Cost at final destination Belgrade, which includes all taxes, customs, duties, inland transportation and insurance, loading and unloading and VAT excluded.
• Place of destination is:
City of Čačak
32 000 Čačak
(ii) EVALUATION OF QUOTATIONS: Offers determined to be substantially responsive to the technical specifications will be evaluated by comparison of the total price at final destination as per paragraph 2 above to the RSD (Serbian dinar) based on the middle exchange rate published by the National Bank of Serbia on the date specified in Paragraph 4 of this Invitation to Quote.
In evaluating the quotations, the Purchaser will determine for bid the evaluated price by adjusting the price quotation by making any correction for any arithmetical errors as follows:
(a) where there is a discrepancy between amounts in figures and in words, the amount in words will govern;
(b) where is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate as quoted will govern;
(c) if a Supplier refuses to accept the correction, his quotation will be rejected.
(iii) AWARD OF CONTRACT: The award will be made to the bidder offering the lowest evaluated price and that meets the required standards of technical and financial capabilities. The successful bidder will sign a Contract as per attached form of contract and terms and conditions of supply.
(iv) VALIDITY OF THE OFFER: Your quotation(s) should be valid for a period of forty five (45) days from the deadline for receipt of quotation(s) indicated in Paragraph 4 of this Invitation to Quote.
7. Further information can be obtained from address below:
Biljana Djokic
Procurement Specialist
Directorate for Water
Project Implementation Unit
Dr. Ivana Ribara 149/11
11070 Belgrade
Republic of Serbia
Fax: +381 (0) 11 6163 600
Invitation to Quote - Procurement of Hydrometeorological equipment
Public Investment Management Office publish Contract Award Notice, No: IOP/18-2018/RD/INP-12 - Procurement of Additional Medical Devices for Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Visegradska”,
Lot 1 – Intervention and diagnostic equipment,
Lot 3 - Imaging and
Lot 4 – OR AND ICU.
The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the Council of Europe Development Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Research and Development in the Public Sector. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for Sub-project: Construction of new building – Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases ”Dedinje” in accordance with the Council of Europe Development Bank′s Guidelines for procurement of supplies, works and services, September (2011).
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Agreement on the F/P 1739 Loan Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank, concluded on 4th Nov 2011th in Paris, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following construction works: Construction of new building – Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases ”Dedinje” no. IOP/24-2018/RD, and now invites bids from eligible tenderers to provide the already mentioned construction works.
Estimated value is 18,900,000.00 EUR excluding VAT.
Expected commencement date of construction works is March 2019th.
Brief description of the works:
New hospital building with underground, ground floor, and 3 levels, is located at the back side of existing hospital building in south west direction, and after the construction of new building of reconstruction of existing one, both buildings will be connected into one functional entity.
Condition for project realisation is that undisturbed work in existing building need to be provided during the construction of new building. Gross area of new hospital building is 13.858 square meters. In addition, new technical block building have area of 100 square meters.
Construction of new building with belonging part of external arrangement is the first phase of realisation of project and include all the works at the complex and at the existing hospital building that are necessary for brining into function new hospital building as well as functioning of the existing building in temporary construction site conditions.
Furthermore, in this tender are included certain works on external infrastructure for nearby Wing “A” of Dragisa Misovic Hospital.
By removing the medical services from unconditional conditions of existing building into new bundling the policlinic, transfusion and laboratory departments and administrative and management rooms and removing cardio surgery block from second floor, the following conditions will be provided:
-Increasing the capacities for vascular surgery and cardiology departments.
-Expansion of vascular surgery and cardiology diagnostic rooms
-Forming of urgent reception room and sector for education and research
In new building are predicted joint medical services (laboratory, transfusion unit, central sterilisation) technical rooms (electrical substation, boiler room, water preparation, water preparation, chillers, medical gases substation, processing of medical waste...) and joint staff rooms (wardrobe and restaurant), spaces for reception and evacuation, and administrative and management rooms.
The external infrastructure works for wing “A” of Dragisa Misovic Hospital include: MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) installations, medical gasses and IT telecommunication cables.
Tenders with variant solutions will not be accepted.
Contract will be signed with the best tenderer in an open international procurement procedure. The contract is expected to be implemented from March 2019 to September 2020 (excluding Defects Notification Period).
The tender evaluation criterion is the Lowest Evaluated Tender Price.
The right to participate in this international tender belongs to all interested entities that fulfill the mandatory conditions for the participation in the procedure. The tenderer is obliged to submit the evidence on the fulfillment of the conditions that are determined in the Tender documents.
The conditions which must be met by a tenderer, and also a way of proving whether the conditions are met, are specified in the Tender documents.
Interested parties may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office Belgrade via e-mail:
The Tender Documents are available in the English language except for detailed design files that are given in Serbian.
A complete set of Tender Documents shall be posted on the Employer’s website: and will be available to any interested tenderer.
All tenders must be accompanied by a bank guarantee for Tender Security to be submitted in the amount of 500.000 EUR payable in Serbian dinar calculated according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of the payment. The Bank guarantee for Tender Security must be valid at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of Tender validity.
The Tender Security and the Performance and the Advance Payment Guarantee which the chosen Tenderer is required to present following the execution of contract, must be verified by a domestic bank, i.e. the Tenderer is required to present, together with a foreign bank’s guarantee, a counter guarantee from a domestic bank.
All bank guarantees must be irrevocable, i.e. without protest, unconditional and payable at first call.
Tender validity period is at least 120 calendar days from the final tender submission date.
The Ordering Authority shall organize a pre-tender meeting and site visit of which all parties that have collected the Tender Documents will be duly informed in writing by posting an information on the Employer’s website: and
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the following address not later than February 14th, 2019 at 11 am:
”Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”
Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
11000 Belgrade
Tenders have to be made according to the ”two-envelope” procedure, in which both the technical and financial offers are submitted together, but in separate envelopes. The technical offers are opened first and evaluated for compliance. The financial envelopes of the technically responsive tenders only are then opened.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the reference „Bid for Construction of new building – Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases ”Dedinje” no. IOP/24-2018/RD” in person or by post at the abovementioned address no later than February 14th, 2019, until 11 am.
Bids received after the deadline specified in the preceding paragraph shall be considered untimely. Untimely bids shall not be opened and after opening procedure shall be returned to the bidder, with an indication stating that the bid is not submitted timely.
The tender opening (the technical offers) shall take place on the same day February 14th, 2019 at 1pm at the address: Belgrade, Krunska street No. 58 in the presence of the authorized representatives of those tenderers who choose to attend the tender opening with the provision of the authorization to attend the tender opening session.
Opening of financial part of the tenders shall be performed after the examination of the technical part of the bids. The Employer shall submit, to all tenderers who sent bids, a reasoned Decision on the eligibility of the tenderer, as well as an invitation to all qualified tenderers to participate in the opening of financial bids.
Amendment of the Clarification No.2
Amendment to Procurement Notice
Amendment No. 1 to Tender Documents
Decision on eligibility of the tenderers
Public оpening financial proposals information
The Austrian Development Agency (acting in its own name and on behalf of the public water management company Srbijavode as Investor) intends to award a contract for works under FIDIC contract conditions in the villages Sedlare and Subotica (municipality of Svilajnac, Republic of Serbia) with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on tender dossier can be downloaded under this link after registration.
If you have any problems downloading the tender dossier, please contact the tender agent via e-mail at and you will receive the tender dossier via a download link.
Possible additional information, addenda or clarifications shall be published at the location where the tender dossier is published:
Contact Point/further information: Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte, e-mail:, tel: +43 1 409 76 09
Location of the works: Municipality of Svilajnac, Republic of Serbia.
CPV codes: 45246000
Deadline for submission of tenders: 22 July 2019, 17:00 Vienna time at Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte in Bartensteingasse 2, 1010 Vienna or via the electronic procurement platform
22 January 2019. - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Modernisation of Emergency Centre – Clinical Centre of Serbia.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank F/P 1739 dated 4th of November 2011, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical equipment for Emergency Centre-Clinical Centre of Serbia” no. IOP/23-2018/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders to participate in the procurement of medical equipment with the estimated value of 730.000 EUR.
Place of destination is: Emergency centre-Clinical Centre of Serbia, Pasterova 2, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from April 2019 to June 2019.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest tender price” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is March 15th, 2019 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/23-2018/RD – Procurement of Medical equipment for Emergency Centre-Clinical Centre of Serbia, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on March 15th, 2019 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Republic of Serbia
Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program: Scaling Up Resilient Infrastructure Project
Grant No.: GFDDR Grant no: A 7621
Assignment Title: Project Coordinator
Reference No. (as per Procurement Plan): S 4.4.
The Republic of Serbia has received financing in amount of USD 1 020 000,00 from the Japan (“Donor”) that will be administered by the World Bank toward the cost of the Grant: “Serbia National Disaster Risk Management Program: Scaling Up Resilient Infrastructure Project”, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services to be procured under this project.
The scope of the assignment will include: implementation of project activities, ensuring effective and efficient coordination of all activities associated with the project, in full compliance with the requirements and procedures of the World Bank and the Government of Republic of Serbia where it is applicable; planning, organizing and coordination of implementation of project components, activities, and operations; ensuring full compliance with directives of the World Bank (WB); producing six-monthly progress reports, annual reports, mid-term review reports, and project completion reports; working closely with World Bank during project supervision activities, facilitating the preparation of mid-term review (MTR) and project completion report (PCR) by the PMU; proposing possible means of improving implementation where necessary; leading policy dialogue and liaising with relevant in-country and regional programs and projects; recruiting, managing and evaluating support personnel and coordinating all training activities of the project staff; coordinating activities for the development of National Risk - informed planning Platform; coordinating activities for Piloting Risk - informed planning Platform; carrying out any other project related activities that are assigned by the PMU.
The Consultant assignment will last till the June 2020. The Consultant will be engaged full time.
Required qualifications and skills: University degree awarded following the completion of a study of at least four years' duration; At least seven (7) years of professional experience; A minimum of three (3) years of experience as Project Coordinator under projects financed by the World Bank and/or other international development institutions; Good spoken and written English language; Excellent communication, interpersonal, and team working skills; Strong leadership, management, and technical skills with proven project management experience; Knowledge and skills in PC-based office applications is essential; Knowledge and skills in Photoshop and WordPress would be considered as an advantage; License for Disaster Risk Assessment and Emergency Protection and Rescue Plans would be considered as an advantage.
The detailed Terms of Reference for all of the consulting services is posted on the website of the Public Investment Management Office at .
The Public Investment Management Office (PIMO) now invites eligible Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services (scanned diplomas to be sent with CV).
The evaluation criteria for assignment:
• General qualifications (30 points)
• Adequacy for the Assignment (50 Points)
• Specific experience relevant for the assignment (20 Points)
The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 3.16 and 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers – Procurement in Investment Project Financing Goods, World, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, revised November 2017 (“the Regulations”) setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Open Competitive Selection of Individual Consultants as set out in the Regulations.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours 09:00 to 15:00 hours.
Expressions of interest in English language must be delivered in a written form to the e-mail address below, by April 1, 2019, 12:00 hours, local time.
Public Investment Management Office
Attn: Sandra Nedeljkovic
Address: Nemanjina 11, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Phone : +381 11 3617-737
Austrian Development Agency (acting in its own name and on behalf of the public water management company Srbijavode) intends to award a contract for works under FIDIC contract conditions for the rehabilitation of Kupinac channel in Obrenovac and rehabilitation of six pumping stations in Obrenovac and Surčin. Optional components of the tender are the rehabilitation of the drainage system in Boljevci and Surčin and procurement of mobile pumps. The tender is implemented using financial assistance from the European Union. An open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on the eProcurement platform at The tender dossier can be downloaded under the link after registration.
Possible additional information, addenda or clarifications shall be published on the eProcurement platform where the tender dossier is published.
If you have any problems downloading the tender dossier, please request it by e-mail at
Contact Point/further information: Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte, e-mail:, tel: +43 1 409 76 09
Location of the works: Obrenovac and Surčin in Serbia.
CPV codes: 45247112, 45232423, 42122000
Deadline for submission of tenders: Monday, 27 May 2019, 17:00 hours local time at Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte in Bartensteingasse 2, 1010 Vienna or via the eProcurement platform mentioned above.
The Austrian Development Agency intends to award a service contract for the supervision of works under FIDIC contract conditions in Obrenovac, Surčin and Svilajnac with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on The tender dossier can be downloaded under this link after a free registration. If you have any problems registering or downloading the tender dossier, you may also request it by e-mail at
Possible additional information, addenda or clarifications shall be published at the location where the tender dossier is published:
Contact Point/further information: Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte, e-mail:, tel: +43 1 409 76 09
Location of the works/projects to be supervised: Obrenovac, Surčin and Svilajnac in Serbia.
CPV codes: 71247000, 71520000, 71521000
Deadline for submission of tenders: Monday, 8 April 2019, 17:00 CET at Schramm Öhler Rechtsanwälte in Bartensteingasse 2, 1010 Vienna or via the electronic procurement platform
5 October 2018 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases „Dedinje“Modernisation.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank F/P 1739 dated 4th of November 2011, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Devices for the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases „Dedinje” no. IOP/21-2018/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser now invite eligible bidders to participate in the procurement of medical equipment with the estimated value of 625.260 EUR.
Place of destination is: Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases „Dedinje “, Heroja Tepića 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia,
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from January 2019 to March 2019.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest evaluated bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is November 26th 2018 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/21-2018/RD – The Procurement of Medical Devices for the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases „Dedinje”, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on November 26th 2018 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Tender Documentation
Public Investment Management Office publish Contract Award Notice, No: IOP/12-2018/RD/NP-10 - Procurement of Medical Devices for the Clinic for Neurosurgery - Clinical Centre of Serbia, Lot 4 – Stereotactic Arc.
Public Investment Management Office publish Contract Award Notice, No: IOP/18-2018/RD/NP-11 - Procurement of Medical Devices for the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska” - Clinical Centre of Serbia, Lot 2 – Auxiliary hospital and medical equipment.
Public Investment Management Office publish Contract Award Notice, No: IOP/5-2017/RD/INP-4 - Procurement of Additional Medical Imaging Equipment for the Clinical Hospital Center ”Zemun″.
Public Investment Management Office publish Contract Award Decision, No: IOP/11-2017/RD/INP-5 - Procurement of Medical Devices for University Children Hospital Tiršova, Lot 6 – ICT, UPS and backup infrastructure.
July 11, 2018 - Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser hereby amends the Procurement Notice for an international open tender procedure for the procurement of consulting services Feasibility Study of “Construction of a new University Children's Hospital in Belgrade, no. IOP/16-2018/UCH, published on 13th June 2018 in the Offical Journal of the European Union, on the Public Procurement Web Portal of the Republic of Serbia and on the Purchaser's website in the part concerning the deadline for submission of the proposals and the date of the opening of the Technical proposals, that extends the deadline for submission of the proposals, so that the part that hasd been amended rads as follows:
" Deadline for submission of the bids is: July 31st, 2018 not later than 11 a.m. local time."
"The bid opening of the Technical proposals shall take place at the address: Krunska street no.58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on July 31st, 2018 at 1 p.m. local time."
In all other aspects, Procurement Notice for procurement of consulting service: Feasibility Study of “Construction of a new University Children's Hospital in Belgrade, no. IOP/16-2018/UCH, international open procurement procedure, remains unchanged.
June 13, 2018 - The Republic of Serbia has received funds from the Council of Europe Development Bank in the form of a (SIGA) grant toward the cost of the project New University Children's Hospital in Belgrade. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Republic of Serbia, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under the contract for which this Request for Proposals is issued.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, CEB Guidelines for procurement of supplies, works and services (September 2011), respectively pursuant to (SIGA) grant toward the cost of the project New University Children's Hospital in Belgrade between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank, Public Investment Management Office, as the Client, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following consulting services: Feasibility Study of “Construction of a new University Children's Hospital in Belgrade, no. IOP/16-2018/UCH, and now invites proposals from eligible consultants to provide the already mentioned consulting services.
More details on the services which are the subject of this International Tender Invitation for Proposals are provided in the Terms of Reference (Section 7 of the Bidding Documents - Request for Proposals). Participation in the procurement process is open to all eligible candidates.
Estimated value is 250.000 EUR excluded taxes and duties in the Client’s country.
Contract will be signed with the successful Consultant in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Bidding Documents - Request for Proposals and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
Expected date for the commencement of the Services is September 2018.
A firm will be selected under Quality Based Selection (QBS) procedure and in a Simplified Technical Proposal (STP) format as described in this RFP, in accordance with the provisions of CEB Guide to Procurement (2011 edition) which can be found at the following website:
The RFP includes the following documents:
Section 1 – Request for Proposals Letter
Section 2 - Instructions to Consultants and Data Sheet
Section 3 - Technical Proposal (STP) - Standard Forms
Section 4 - Financial Proposal
Section 5 – Eligible Countries
Section 6 – Fraud and Corruption
Section 7 - Terms of Reference
Section 8 - Standard Form of Contract (Lump-Sum)
Interested eligible consultants may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and determined in Bidding Documents - Request for Proposal.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Client’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be 10.000,00 EUR. For the Bidders from the Client’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „Bid for Procurement of Consulting Services: Feasibility Study of “Construction of a new University Children's Hospital in Belgrade” RFP No: IOP/16-2018/UCH, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.
The Bid shall comprise the following:
1st Inner Envelope with the Technical Proposal
2nd Inner Envelope with the Financial Proposal
determined in Bidding Documents - Request for Proposal.
Technical proposals are opened first and evaluated for responsiveness.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorized representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
For the extension of the contract (through the repetition of similar services entrusted to the original contractor), the Client announces the possibility of using the negotiated procedure for new services for the project as well as the relevant estimated cost.
The awarded consultant will not be eligible for participation in any form during the “design, build and maintain - DBM” construction tender for the project.
Amendment to procurement notice
Amendment to tender documents 2
25 April 2018. - The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the European Investment Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Research and Development in the Public Sector. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for Sub-project: Science and Technology Park in Niš (STP Niš), New building construction works execution in accordance with the European Investment Bank Guide to Procurement.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following construction works: Science and Technology Park in Niš (STP Niš), New building construction works execution no. IOP/13-2018/RD, and now invites bids from eligible tenderers to provide the already mentioned construction works.
Estimated value is 8,750,000.00 EUR excluding VAT.
Expected commencement date of construction works is August 2018th.
Brief description of the works:
Construction of Science and Technology Park Niš, with underground, ground floor and 3 levels, ground and above ground levels gross surface of 10.625,37m2 and underground level gross surface of 3.352,22m2, is planned to be built at cadastre parcel “1929/6 KO Niš – Crveni krst” gross surface of 9.429,00m2. Subject parcel is located within vicinity of High School Institutions and other facilities for fulfilling required students’ standards.
- Underground level is multifunctional space with major function as underground garage with capacity of 75 parking places, extended within the limits of complete building, having technical rooms, two staircases, two elevator lobbies with three elevators and additional spaces as for fitness club with sanitary block included.
- Ground level is “opened by the penetration” positioned transversally against longitudinal facade plane. Ground level (business space) clear height is from 5.40m up to about 5.70m. Meeting room with restaurant and kitchen, showroom with technical and sanitary block, staircases and elevators are projected at ground level.
- Business space with offices, kitchenette, dining room, terrace, sanitary block, technical rooms, staircases and elevators are at levels 1, 2 & 3.
Tenders with variant solutions will not be accepted.
Contract will be signed with the best tenderer in an open international procurement procedure. The contract is expected to be implemented from August 2018 to October 2019 (excluding Defects Notification Period).
The tender evaluation criterion is the Lowest Evaluated Tender Price.
The right to participate in this international tender belongs to all interested entities that fulfill the mandatory conditions for the participation in the procedure. The tenderer is obliged to submit the evidence on the fulfillment of the conditions that are determined in the Tender documents.
The conditions which must be met by a tenderer, and also a way of proving whether the conditions are met, are specified in the Tender documents.
Interested parties may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office Belgrade via e-mail:
The Tender Documents are available in the English language except for detailed design files that are given in Serbian.
A complete set of Tender Documents shall be posted on the Employer’s website: and will be available to any interested tenderer.
All tenders must be accompanied by a bank guarantee for Tender Security to be submitted in the amount of 100.000 € or equivalent in a convertible currency in RSD calculated according to the average exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia on the day of the payment. The Bank guarantee for Tender Security must be valid at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of Tender validity.
The Tender Security, Performance and Advance Payment Guarantee, which the chosen Tenderer is required to present following the execution of contract, must be verified by a domestic bank, i.e. the Tenderer is required to present, together with a foreign bank’s guarantee, a counter guarantee from a domestic bank.
All bank guarantees must be irrevocable, i.e. without protest, unconditional and payable at first call.
Tender validity period is at least 120 calendar days from the final tender submission date.
If necessary, the Ordering Authority shall organize a pre-tender meeting and site visit of which all parties that have collected the Tender Documents will be duly informed in writing by posting an information on the Employer’s website: and
Tenders must be delivered to the office at the following address not later than June 18th, 2018 at 11 am:
”Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”
Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry
11000 Belgrade
Tenders have to be made according to the ”two-envelope” procedure, in which both the technical and financial offers are submitted together, but in separate envelopes. The technical offers are opened first and evaluated for compliance. The financial envelopes of the technically responsive tenders only are then opened.
Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked with the reference „Bid for Science and Technology Park in Niš (STP Niš), New building construction works execution no. IOP/13-2018/RD” in person or by post at the abovementioned address no later than June 18th, 2018, until 11 am.
Bids received after the deadline specified in the preceding paragraph shall be considered untimely. Untimely bids shall not be opened and after opening procedure shall be returned to the bidder, with an indication stating that the bid is not submitted timely.
The tender opening (the technical offers) shall take place on the same day June 18th, 2018 at 1pm at the address: Belgrade, Krunska street No. 58 in the presence of the authorized representatives of those tenderers who choose to attend the tender opening with the provision of the authorization to attend the tender opening session.
Opening of financial part of the tenders shall be performed after the examination of the technical part of the bids. The Employer shall submit, to all tenderers who sent bids, a reasoned Decision on the eligibility of the tenderer, as well as an invitation to all qualified tenderers to participate in the opening of financial bids.
Download tender documents IOP/13-2018/RD
Amendment to Tender Documents No. 1
Decision on qualification of the bidders
Public Opening Financial Bids - Information
July 25, 2018 - Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser hereby amends the Procurement Notice for an international open tender procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Devices for the Clinic for Neurosurgery - Clinical Centre of Serbia” no. IOP/12-2018/RD published on 8th of June 2018 in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), on the Public Procurement Web Portal of the Republic of Serbia and on the Purchaser’s website, in the part concerning the estimated value, so that the part that has been amended reads as follows:
”Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including eight lots:
Lot 1 – Radiography, estimated value 479.000 EUR
Lot 2 – Microscopes, estimated value 907.000 EUR
Lot 3 – Neuronavigation system, estimated value 511.000 EUR
Lot 4 – Stereotactic Arc, estimated value 230.000 EUR
Lot 5 – Neurosurgical instruments, estimated value 1.417.000 EUR
Lot 6 – Ultrasonic Aspiration, estimated value 532.000 EUR
Lot 7 – Hospital Beds, estimated value 449.000 EUR
Lot 8 – ICU, estimated value 251.000 EUR.”
In all other aspects, Procurement Notice for “Procurement of Medical Devices for the Clinic for Neurosurgery - Clinical Centre of Serbia” no. IOP/12-2018/RD, international open procedure, remains unchanged.
This amendment has been made due to the Amendment No. 2 to Tender Documents that shall be the part of the Tender Documents and that has been issued on the 25th of July 2018, which made an amendment in the Technical specification for Lot 6 – Ultrasonic Aspiration by adding the new item 6.3. Ultrasonic Surgical Aspiration system for spine and brain surgery Qty. 1, and have increased the estimated value.
June 8, 2018 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Clinic for Neurosurgery Modernisation.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank F/P 1739 dated 4th of November 2011, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Devices for the Clinic for Neurosurgery - Clinical Centre of Serbia” no. IOP/12-2018/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including eight lots:
Lot 1 – Radiography, estimated value 479.000 EUR
Lot 2 – Microscopes, estimated value 907.000 EUR
Lot 3 – Neuronavigation system, estimated value 511.000 EUR
Lot 4 – Stereotactic Arc, estimated value 230.000 EUR
Lot 5 – Neurosurgical instruments, estimated value 1.417.000 EUR
Lot 6 – Ultrasonic Aspiration, estimated value 448.000 EUR
Lot 7 – Hospital Beds, estimated value 449.000 EUR
Lot 8 – ICU, estimated value 251.000 EUR
Place of destination is: The Clinic for Neurosurgery - Clinical Centre of Serbia, Koste Todorovića 4, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from September 2018 to November 2018.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest evaluated bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is August 7th 2018 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/12-2018/RD – Procurement of Medical Devices for the Clinic for Neurosurgery - Clinical Centre of Serbia, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number“, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on August 7th 2018 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment to tender documentation 1
Amendment to Procurement Notice
Amendment to tender documentation 2
12. September 2018 - Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser hereby amends the Procurement Notice for an international open tender procedure for the Procurement of Medical Devices for The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska”-Clinical Centre of Serbia, No. IOP/18-2018/RD” published on 28th of July 2018 in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and on 30th of July 2018 on the Purchaser’s website, in the part concerning the deadline for submission of the bids and the date of the opening of the bids, that extends the deadline for submission of the bids, so that the part that has been amended reads as follows:
“Deadline for submission of the bids is September 24th 2018 not later than 11 a.m. local time”
“The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on September 24 th 2018 at 1 p.m. local time.”
In all other aspects, Procurement Notice for “Procurement of Medical Devices for The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska”-Clinical Centre of Serbia, international open procedure, remains unchanged.
This amendment has been made due to the Addendum No. 2 to Tender Documents that shall be the part of the Tender Documents and that has been issued on the September 11, 2018, in order to give prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take the addendum into account in preparing their bids.
3 September 2018 - Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser hereby amends the Procurement Notice for an international open tender procedure for the Procurement of Medical Devices for The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska”-Clinical Centre of Serbia, No. IOP/18-2018/RD” published on 28th of July 2018 in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and on 30th of July 2018 on the Purchaser’s website, in the part concerning estimated values of the lots, so that the part that has been amended reads as follows:
Lot 1 – Interventional and diagnostic equipment, estimated value 826.450 EUR
Lot 2 – Auxiliary hospital and medical equipment, estimated value 732.768 EUR
Lot 3 – Imaging, estimated value 586.300 EUR
Lot 4 – OR and ICU, estimated value 663.700 EUR
Lot 5 – Endoscopy equipment, estimated value 428.450 EUR
Lot 6 – Laboratory, estimated value 399.350 EUR
Lot 7 – Furniture and IT, estimated value 102.347 EUR
In all other aspects, Procurement Notice for “Procurement of Medical Devices for The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska”-Clinical Centre of Serbia, international open procedure, remains unchanged.
30 July 2018. - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska”Modernisation.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank F/P 1739 dated 4th of November 2011, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Devices for the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska” - Clinical Centre of Serbia” no. IOP/18-2018/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including seven lots:
Lot 1 – Interventional and diagnostic equipment, estimated value 826.450 EUR
Lot 2 – Auxiliary hospital and medical equipment, estimated value 699.918 EUR
Lot 3 – Imaging, estimated value 586.300 EUR
Lot 4 – OR and ICU, estimated value 620.700 EUR
Lot 5 – Endoscopy equipment, estimated value 428.450 EUR
Lot 6 – Laboratory, estimated value 309.255 EUR
Lot 7 – Furniture and IT, estimated value 102.347 EUR
Place of destination is: The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska”, Višegradska 26, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from November 2018 to January 2019.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest evaluated bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is September 18th 2018 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/18-2018/RD – The Procurement of Medical Devices for the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic “Višegradska” - Clinical Centre of Serbia, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number“, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Krunska street no. 58, Ground Floor, Belgrade, on September 18th 2018 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Amendment to Procurement Notice
Amendment to Tender Documentation
Amendment to Procurement Notice 2
Amendment to Tender Documentation
Main Design, Detailed Design, Project Management, Supervision of Civil Works and Clean Room Validation for Construction of Biosense Institute Building in Novi Sad, Serbia - NO. IOP/10-2017/RD
The Republic of Serbia has received financing from the European Investment Bank in the form of a loan toward the cost of the project: Research and Development in the Public Sector. The Public Investment Management Office of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, an implementing agency of the Borrower, intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible payments under the contract for Sub-project: Creation of Centers of Excellence in priority research fields.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Finance Contract (Public Sector Research and Development) between the Republic of Serbia and the European Investment Bank dated 4th of March 2010, Public Investment Management Office, as the Purchaser, has decided to initiate an international open procurement procedure for the following consulting services: Main Design, Detailed Design, Project Management, Supervision of Civil Works and Clean Room Validation for Construction of BioSense Institute Building in Novi Sad, Serbia, no. IOP/10-2017/RD, and now invites proposals from eligible consultants to provide the already mentioned consulting services.
More details on the services which are the subject of this International Tender Invitation for Proposals are provided in the Terms of Reference (Section 7 of the Bidding Documents - Request for Proposals). Participation in the procurement process is open to all eligible candidates.
Estimated value is 500,000.00 EUR.
Contract will be signed with the successful Consultant in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Bidding Documents - Request for Proposals and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
Expected date for the commencement of the Services is December 2017.
A firm will be selected under Quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) procedure and in a Simplified Technical Proposal (STP) format as described in this Tender Invitation for Proposals and the Bidding Documents - Request for Proposal, in accordance with the provisions of EIB Guide to Procurement (2011 edition) which can be found at the following website:
The Bidding Documents - Request for Proposal includes the following documents:
Section 1 – Request for Proposals Letter
Section 2 - Instructions to Consultants and Data Sheet
Section 3 - Technical Proposal (STP) - Standard Forms
Section 4 - Financial Proposal
Section 5 – Eligible Countries
Section 6 – Fraud and Corruption
Section 7 - Terms of Reference
Section 8 - Standard Form of Contract (Lump-Sum)
Interested eligible consultants may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents - Request for Proposal.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be 20.000,00 EUR. For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „Bid for Procurement of Consulting Services Main Design, Detailed Design, Project Management, Supervision of Civil Works and Clean Room Validation for Construction of BioSense Institute Building in Novi Sad, Serbia RFP No: IOP/10-2017/RD, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
The Bid shall comprise the following:
1st Inner Envelope with the Technical Proposal
2nd Inner Envelope with the Financial Proposal
in particular determined in Bidding Documents - Request for Proposal.
Technical proposals are opened first and evaluated for responsiveness. Following the completion of the evaluation of the Technical Proposals, the Purchaser will notify all Consultants of the location, date and time of the public opening of Financial Proposals.
Deadline for submission of the bids is: November 20th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
Bids received after the above-mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening of the Technical Proposals shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on November 20th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
30 October 2017 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: University Children Hospital “Tiršova” Modernisation.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank F/P 1739 dated 4th of November 2011, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Devices for University Children Hospital “Tiršova”” no. IOP/11-2017/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement including sixth lots:
Lot 1 – General surgery, estimated value 966,900 EUR
Lot 2 – Cardiology , estimated value 1,136,000 EUR
Lot 3 – General pediatric departments, estimated value 687,500 EUR
Lot 4 – Radiology, estimated value 702,000 EUR
Lot 5 – Anesthesia with intense care, estimated value 833,400 EUR
Lot 6 – ICT, UPS and backup infrastructure, estimated value 346,800 EUR
Place of destination is: University Children Hospital “Tiršova”, Tiršova 10, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from February 2018 to April 2018.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest evaluated bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid securities are defined by tender documents.
Deadline for submission of the bids is December 20th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „IOP/11-2017/RD – Procurement of Medical Devices for University Children Hospital “Tiršova”, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, lot name and number“, at the address: Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on December 20th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
9 October 2017. - Amendment to International Invitation for Tender - PPublic Investment Management Office as the Purchaser hereby amends the Procurement Notice for an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Devices for Clinical Centre Dr Dragiša Mišović” no. IOP/6-2017/RD published on 18th of August 2017 on the Public Procurement Web Portal of the Republic of Serbia, Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and on the Purchaser’s website, in the part concerning the deadline for submission of the bids and the date of the opening of the bids, that extends the deadline for submission of the bids for LOT 1 - Operating Room, LOT 2 - Sterilization, LOT 5 -Anesthesia, so that the part that has been amended reads as follows:
,,Deadline for submission of the bids for:
LOT 3 – Hospital furniture
LOT 4 – Auxiliary surgical devices
LOT 6 – Laboratory
LOT 7 – Imaging
LOT 8 – ICT Infrastructure
is October 10th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
"Deadline for submission of the bids for:
LOT 1 – Operating room
LOT 2 – Sterilization
LOT 5 – Anesthesia
is November 7th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time.”
,,The bid opening for:
LOT 3 – Hospital furniture
LOT 4 – Auxiliary surgical devices
LOT 6 – Laboratory
LOT 7 – Imaging
LOT 8 – ICT Infrastructure
shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on October 10th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time."
"The bid opening for:
LOT 1 – Operating room
LOT 2 – Sterilization
LOT 5 – Anesthesia
shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on November 7th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.”
In all other aspects, Procurement Notice for “Procurement of Medical Devices for Clinical Centre Dr Dragiša Mišović” no. IOP/6-2017/RD, international open procedure, remains unchanged.
This amendment has been made due to the complaint by the prospective bidder on the Tender documents received on the 3rd of October 2017.
18 August 2017. - International invitation for tender - Procurement of Medical Devices for Clinical Centre Dr Dragiša Mišović NO. IOP/6-2017/RD - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Clinical centre Dr Dragiša Mišović Modernisation.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank dated 15th of October 2010, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Devices for Clinical Centre Dr Dragiša Mišović” no. IOP/6-2017/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement of Procurement of Medical Devices for Clinical Centre Dr Dragiša Mišović including eight lots:
Lot 1 – Operating room, estimated value 2.368.700 euro
Lot 2 – Sterilization, estimated value 796.600 euro
Lot 3 – Hospital furniture, estimated value 1.158.000 euro
Lot 4 – Auxiliary surgical devices, estimated value 327.000 euro
Lot 5 – Anesthesia, estimated value 1.371.800 euro
Lot 6 – Laboratory, estimated value 110.200 euro
Lot 7 – Imaging, estimated value 3.655.700 euro
Lot 8 – ICT Infrastructure, estimated value 744.600 euro
Place of destination is: Clinical center Dr Dragiša Mišović, Heroja Milana Tepića 1, 11040 Belgrade
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from November 2017 to February 2018.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest evaluated bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be 2% of estimated value per Lot (EUR). For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
Deadline for submission of the bids is October 10th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „ IOP/6-2017/RD – Procurement of Medical Devices for Clinical Centre Dr Dragiša Mišović, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on October 10th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
20 October 2017. - Amendment to International Invitation for Tender - Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser hereby amends the Procurement Notice for an international open tender procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Imaging Equipment” no. IOP/5-2017/RD published on 16th of August 2017 in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) and on 18th of August 2017 on the Public Procurement Web Portal of the Republic of Serbia and on the Purchaser’s website, in the part concerning the deadline for submission of the bids and the date of the opening of the bids, that extends the deadline for submission of the bids, so that the part that has been amended reads as follows:
”Deadline for submission of the bids is October 31st 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time.”
“The bid opening shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on October 31st 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.”
In all other aspects, Procurement Notice for “Procurement of Medical Imaging Equipment” no. IOP/5-2017/RD, international open procedure, remains unchanged.
This amendment has been made due to the Addendum No. 5 to Tender Documents that shall be the part of the Tender Documents and that has been issued on the 20th of October 2017, in order to give prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take the addendum into account in preparing their bids.
Procurement Committee
25 September 2017 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: Clinical Centres Modernisation.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank dated 15th of October 2010, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of Medical Imaging Equipment” no. IOP/5-2017/RD.
Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement of Medical Imaging Equipment including the following lots, goods and services:
Lot 1 – Equipment for the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases „Dedinje“, consisted of following items:
1.Multislice CT Scanner for cardiovascular procedures
2.Digital angiography system for cardio-vascular diagnostic and interventional procedures
Estimated value is 1.600.000 euro.
Lot 2 – Equipment for the Clinical Hospital Center „Zemun“, consisted of following items:
1.Magnetic resonance system 1.5T equipped and suitable for whole body examinations
2.Digital angiography system for diagnostic cardiac and interventional procedures
3.Digital radiography system
4.Premium Cardiovascular ultrasound system
Estimated value is 1.625.000 euro.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from November 2017 to February 2018.
The Tender evaluation criterion is “The lowest evaluated bid” (The ranking of bids will be based on that criteria).
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be 30.000 EUR per lot. For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
Deadline for submission of the bids is October 27th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „ IOP/5-2017/RD – Procurement of Medical Imaging Equipment, Lot name and number, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on October 27th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
9 March 2017 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: New Capital Equipment.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank dated 15th of October 2010, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of MRI Scanner” no. IOP/2-2017/RD.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as the Project promoter and responsible for its implementation and Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement of Electron Microscope including HR TEM FEG 200 KeV and Dual Beam (SEM with Focused Ion Beam) for the needs of Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract.
The contract is expected to be implemented from May 2017 to August 2017.
The Tender evaluation criterion is "most economically advantageous tender". The ranking of bids will be based on the following criteria and weight assigned to these criteria:
1) offered price - 70 points
2) technical performance - 30 points
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be 30.000,00 EUR. For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
Deadline for submission of the bids is: April 24th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time.
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „Bid for Procurement of Electron Microscope (SEM and TEM) IOP/2-2017/RD, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no. 22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on April 24th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
9 March 2017 - The Republic of Serbia has received a loan from the European Investment Bank and Council of Europe Development Bank toward the cost of the project: Public Sector Research and Development, and intends to apply part of this funds for payments under the contract for sub-project: New Capital Equipment.
Pursuant to Art.7, para.1, item 2a) of the Public Procurement Law RS 124/2012, 14/2015 and 68/2015, respectively pursuant to Framework Contract Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Europe Development Bank dated 15th of October 2010, Public Investment Management Office has decided to initiate an international open procedure for the “Procurement of MRI Scanner” no. IOP/1-2017/RD.
The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development as the Project promoter and responsible for its implementation and Public Investment Management Office as the Purchaser, now invite eligible bidders for the procurement of MRI Scanner including magnetic resonance imaging system 1,5T with „Turnkey” site preparation for the needs of University Children’s Hospital Tiršova.
Contract will be signed with the best bidder in an open international tender procedure, in accordance with the contract conditions determined in the Tender documents and all other documents that will be a consistent part of the Contract. The contract is expected to be implemented from May 2017 to August 2017.
The Tender evaluation criterion is "most economically advantageous tender". The ranking of bids will be based on the following criteria and weight assigned to these criteria:
1) offered price - 60 points
2) technical performance - 40 points
All firms are invited to participate in the tender.
Alternative Bids shall not be considered.
Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from Public Investment Management Office via e-mail:
Qualifications requirements and the additional details are provided and in particular determined in Bidding Documents.
A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language shall be posted on the Purchaser’s website: and will be available to any interested bidder.
A Bid Security, must accompany all bids, shall be in the form of an unconditional, irrevocable and payable on first call bank guarantee issued by a bank. The amount and currency of the bid security shall be 30.000,00 EUR. For the Bidders from the Purchaser’s Country: Payable in RSD at the middle exchange rate of The National Bank of Serbia on the day invoking of the guarantee.
Deadline for submission of the bids is: April 21th 2017 not later than 11 a.m. local time
All bids must be delivered in closed envelopes marked with the reference „Bid for Procurement of MRI Scanner IOP/1-2017/RD, Kancelarija za upravljanje javnim ulaganjima”, at the address: Nemanjina street no.22-26, Belgrade, Administration for Joint Services of the Republic Bodies registry.
Bids received after the above mentioned deadline shall be declared late, rejected and returned unopened to the bidder (upon request submitted by the bidder).
The bid opening shall take place at the address: Svetozara Markovića street no.42, 1st Floor, Belgrade, on April 21th 2017 at 1 p.m. local time.
Opening of the bids is public and any interested person may be present. Only authorised representatives of Bidder’s may be actively involved in the procedure of opening bids.
Aditional documentation
The Austrian Development Agency (acting on behalf of the public water management company Srbijavode as Investor) intends to award a works contract for the regulation and reconstruction of the Crnica river in Paraćin with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on
Contact Point/further information: WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte,
E-mail:, Fax: + 43 1 515 10 665354
The Austrian Development Agency (acting on behalf of the public water management company Srbijavode as Investor) intends to award a works contract for the regulation and reconstruction of the Resava river in Svilajnać with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on
Contact Point/further information: WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte, E-mail:, Fax: + 43 1 515 10 665354
The Austrian Development Agency (acting on behalf of the public water management company Srbijavode as Investor) intends to award a service contract for the supervision of works under FIDIC contract conditions in Valjevo, Paraćin and Svilajnać with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on
Contact Point/further information: WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte, E-mail: , Fax: + 43 1 515 10 665354
The Austrian Development Agency (acting on behalf of the public water management company Srbijavode as Investor) intends to award a works contract for the regulation and reconstruction of the Kolubara river in Valjevo with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on
Contact Point/further information: WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte, E-mail:, Fax: + 43 1 515 10 665354
The Austrian Development Agency (acting on behalf of the public water management company Beogradvode as Investor) intends to award a works contract for the rehabilitation of drainage channels (dredging of silty material) with financial assistance from the European Union. The open tender procedure is conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Austrian Federal Act on Public Procurement (Bundesvergabegesetz).
The official tender notice is published on
Contact Point/further information:
WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte GmbH & Co KG, e-mail: , fax: +43 1 515 10 665354